24 Sep, 2013 @ 12:55
1 min read

Spanish cinema visits take a tumble


A TRIP to the movies is no longer on the to-do list as cinema attendances in Europe fall for the second year in a row.

According to European Audiovisual Observatory, average attendance has fallen by 0.9% across Europe, with the biggest drops in Portugal (-12.3%), Italy (-9.9%) and Spain (-6.5%).

Among the factors blamed for this drop was the recession and a shortage of locally-produced movies, while a rise in online piracy was noted as a possible contributor.

The USA – the largest movie theater market in the world – gained around 6%. Motion Picture Association of America reported that its total international box office revenues grew by 6% between 2011 and 2012, with Europe the only region not experiencing growth last year.


  1. It’s not surprising really is it? One cinema I visited just last month did not take credit cards and had no original version films (and no intention of adding any when I asked the manager). When cinemas in Spain treat consumers so badly, it’s no wonder they are going bankrupt. They deserve to.

  2. Last time I went to the cinema, we had to sit through twenty minutes of excruciating adverts before the movie began. It cost about fifteen quid for two of us. People crunching buckets of popcorn, slurping drinks, messing with mobiles. Topped off with a thunderous sound-track (to drown the racket all round). Does anyone remember getting a B-movie, a cartoon, a couple of minutes of “Pearl and Dean” adverts, then Pathe News, then trailers for the next weeks films followed by the big picture? You could even stay in your seat and watch it all over again if so inclined. The fug of cigarette smoke was a bonus too, no need to buy Woodbines, just breathe. All for one and a tanner. Bliss.

  3. Those were the days Stefanjo, but I think I arrived a bit after the era of Pathe News. The Spanish are a strange lot. Ever noticed how they talk all the way through the film and even arrive in the middle and don’t seem to care.

    No wonder BlinkBox has taken over lol.

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