21 Sep, 2013 @ 11:28
1 min read

VIDEO: Hamster ‘drives’ a truck in Spain

hamster drives volvo truck

A HAMSTER has taken to the wheel to drive through a quarry in Ourense, Spain.

The film ‘The Hamster Stunt’ a 175 gram (6 oz) hamster steers the truck out in a quarry in the Spanish city of Ourense.

A specially designed hamster treadmill was attached to the steering wheel and an experienced stunt driver handled the accelerator and brakes whilst getting the hamster to steer in the right direction by tempting him with a carrot.

The film shows how the big truck gently and safely makes its way up a twisting, narrow hilly track in the quarry.

“I can assure you that this is for real – the hamster really can steer the truck,” says Sten Ragnhult, who together with his colleague, Jan-Inge Svensson, was on site in Spain during the test.


  1. Well, it was just the steering, would they give the brake/gas controls to the hamster instead of the steering?

    Just a publicity stunt it looks like, and think of the money invested into making this video.
    Looks like the hamster was starved for several hours before making this.

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