31 Aug, 2013 @ 10:51
1 min read

One man attempts to resolve the Spain/Gibraltar dispute


FIFTY-year-old Justo Márquez, plans to help resolve Spain’s dispute with Gibraltar by carrying a three-metre high cross on a peace march.

Márquez began in Fuengirola, carrying the ten-kilo fold-up wooden cross which is three metres high by two metres wide.

Hailing from Nerja, the religious fanatic believes that God is the only one who can really solve the situation.

However, he is looking for places to stay, as he only started his journey with a baguette and a bottle of water and a load of placards.

His body is a message board, and he will alternate the signs to say ‘No more hunger, no more war, peace on Earth’.

Márquez, who hopes other people he meets will join him on his march, will go on a hunger strike once he reaches Gibraltar.

“I won’t eat or drink for 24 hours so that God intervenes in the conflict,” he explains.

“I’m not demanding The Rock becomes Spanish or British, I just want the dispute to end.”

In 2009, Marquez walked from Granada to Madrid, for a water dispute with a relative – his quest failed when emergency workers found him semiconscious in a ditch.


  1. This must be all such a waste of money too. Do any expats stay awake at night worrying about this Gibraltar conflict? I certainly don’t. There’s too much to worry about in SPAIN. Like shops and business going under.

  2. Trevor: Perhaps expats IN Spain don’t worry about the Gib. “conflict” now. But maybe they should. It could affect them negatively. It doesn’t take much for the Franco nuts to come out of the closet and turn on the “Guiris”. According to O.P. reports, cars have been vandalised already in La Linea. One wonders how far the idiocy will spread. The guy with the cross is probably right, Only divine intervention will sort out this bloody-minded mess. For sure, neither side will back down voluntarily.

  3. Not round our parts stefanjo. Here’s hoping for a resolution. Just by saying ‘Guiris’ again and again doesn’t help either. Spain needs foreigners like we need Spain. Let’s hope this is over and back to a cold war situation again asap.

  4. He reached the frontier a few days ago. Stefano I agree. Trevor Franco nuts are indeed something to worry about. Andalucía needs Gibraltar like Spain needs Guiris but it doesn’t stop them strangling their own people there. Yes the man with the cross is a religious nut but at least he does something, and in the name of peace. Leave him be and be interested in your fellow British and Spanish brothers and sisters

  5. Este no es mi primer viaje, con la cruz ni tampoco sera el ultimo, en Noviembre solgo de Sevilla en España, hasta Fatima, Portugal, con el mensaje NO MAS HAMBRE NO MAS GUERRA PAZ EN EL MUNDO, en esta ocasion no quiero llamar mucho la atencion de los periodista, puesto que en Marzo emprendere una nueva marcha, saliendo de GRANADA hasta ROMA en ITALIA, en esta ocasion si llamare la atencion de los periodista, en Roma permanesere, en el Vaticano durante 15 dias en oracion y ayuna, pidiendole a Dios para que el intermedie, en este conflisto que padese en toda la tierra, de hambre y guerra pidiendo la paz, en todo el mundo

  6. This is not my first trip with the cross nor will be the last in November solgo of Seville in Spain to Fatima, Portugal, with the message NO MORE HUNGER NO MORE WAR PEACE IN THE WORLD, this time I do not draw much the attention of the reporter, since in March emprendere a new march, leaving Granada to Rome in Italy, this time if you will call the attention of the reporter, permanesere Rome, in the Vatican for 15 days in prayer and fasting, asking God for the intermediating in this conflisto that padese in all the earth, asking hunger and war peace worldwide

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