12 Jul, 2013 @ 10:00
1 min read

Radio row breaks out between Maurice Boland and David Klein

maurice boland

A WAR has broken out on the Costa del Sol airwaves between two of its best known presenters.

The spat has led to iTalk boss Maurice Boland threatening to sue David ‘The Dogman’ Klein, after he announced that his rival’s station was off air.

Klein, who has a regular Saturday show at Talk Radio Europe (TRE), demanded to know why the station was no longer broadcasting on its normal FM frequency.

And he also claimed the beleaguered station was no longer based at the luxurious five-star Kempinski hotel in Estepona.

This however, quickly angered iTalk owner Boland, who issued statements insisting that his station was not only still based at the hotel, but that he was continuing broadcasting, albeit via the internet.

He told the Olive Press last night: “This is a scandalous rumour started by one man on the internet.

“Yes it is true I took the station off the FM frequency because as a small business the station could not afford a fine of up to 500,000 euros that the Junta has been threatening English stations if they haven’t got the correct licences.

“We are still at the Kempinski and anyone can come and visit and I will show them around the studios.”

Klein insisted he had merely investigated the issue after finding the station online merely ‘playing continuous music with no presenters’.

“I simply wanted to let my listeners know what was going on with the station,” Klein told The Olive Press.

“But I couldn’t get any answer from the number, so I called reception. The operator asked me to hold on and then informed me that that the radio station was ‘no longer’ at the hotel.

“It now appears that they are still there but on a month to month basis their contract having expired.

“Boland has now threatened me with legal action when his business partner returns from overseas” Klein added.

Talk Radio Europe refused to be drawn into the row officially, stating that David was merely a ‘freelance pet presenter’.

“We have no interest in what goes on with iTalk or its business arrangements, ” said a spokesman.

Boland had previously run long-established station TRE, before being sacked three years ago after an indiscretion with a 15-year-old girl.

While he denied the relationship with the winner of his competition the WOW Factor – Spain’s local equivalent of the X-Factor – he admitted he had got too close.


  1. The only chat show I ever heard Maurice Boland do was when he interviewed the Costa del Sol Band ‘Dirty Little Secrets’ – hardly stopped to listen to what the boys had to say it was more like a MoBo monologue – enough of this narcissistic personality cult – fade into obscurity Maurice, with dignity if you can.

  2. does anyone listen to this station? is this news?maurice boland taking legal action kettle calling the pot black.maurice boland seems to be a bit touchy.well we have had enough of this narcissistic person please fade into obscurity try to be dignified about it .


  4. See the rolled up trouser brigade are rallying to the defense of their ‘brother’ – Mobo has achieved more than most of the fools who attack him, his charitable works are noticeably more than any of his accusers efforts.

    Get a life guys; iTalk is attempting to provide a radio show service in an already hostile business environment, we all should support enterprise, not try to criticize and pull down just because Maurice does not know any funny handshakes.

    In fact his innocence of funny handshakes is exactly why we should support his efforts… I think my guy put it best: let him that is without sin cast the first stone.

  5. Mobo’s anthem, charity begins at home. I remember when he had a strangle hold on the Sunshine Variety Club, yes strangle hold. Meaning everything and anything that anyone ever did for this august charity – on the Costa del Sol, had to go through him and give all the glory to him. His name up in lights not the donor. This certainly did not help the Sunshine Variety Club’s cause and inevitably alienated anyone who was willing to give to the cause.

  6. I will not enter into speculation as so many do. I wonder how many expatriates realise that the law on libel and slander is very strictly upheld in Spain. Names can only be printed when someone who has been charged or found guilty on a civil or criminal case. Unless anyone can state differently Mr. Boland has not been charged on any matter. These accusations would be viewed seriously should Mr. Boland press charges.

    The research I have done has shown that Mr Boland has within the first twelve months of bringing the Variety Club to the coast, saw the purchase of TWO mini buses for the orphanage Casa Abril and Aspandam he also did oversee the buying of a minibus for a Fuengirola orphanage through the Smile foundation. The fact that everyone had to be passed by Mr. Boland was due to the fact that he was the chairman.

    I am now becoming very curios to know the real reason for the continual criticism of this man. If it has to do with his character or personality, we could start by looking at ourselves. The saying about ‘He who has not sinned etc’ comes to mind as it is a actuality that someone implicated in this latest article has in fact, been to court.

  7. As the founder of the band Dirty Little Secrets I have a great deal of time for Maurice and always enjoy the interviews that we have at there great studio’s .It has been reported that we only do the charity events to improve our profile as a band..If this was the case why do we keep our pictures out of the papers on all the charity shows that we do..As for Maurice all narrow minded people ever want to do is slag him off but lets see some one else raise as much money for the charity’s as he does .Why are there so many bitter people on this coast if you don’t like the station “turn it off” if you don’t want to hear about Maurice or again the station “don’t read it”….We as a band can only go on what we are treated like and that has always been good from Maurice and all his team around him.

  8. Well said Cecilia and Dirty Little Secrets. There appear to be some very jealous, small minded and vindictive people on this Coast who are out for the kill. They don’t take into account the hurt they may cause their victim ( in this case Maurice Boland but it could be you, me or Joe Bloggs next door next time) or the feelings of the families, friends and associates of those they pick on.

    There seem to be the same old bully boys or girls on all the Olive Press message boards. I can imagine them rubbing their hands with glee each time an article appears on Boland so they can add their pathetic ten cents.

    I would advise Maurice Boland to rise above all this. There are many on the Costa including myself who do support you, enjoy listening to your radio station and are grateful for your charitable efforts.

  9. I am now leaving this conversation as I realise it is a war between media and press people. I only mentioned a personal experience about the Variety Club as I had the opportunity to air something which happened a long time ago. It quite put me off Maurice Boland from that point.
    I actually may be able to prove what happened, I think I still have all the fundraising project and correspondence we had with Mr Boland which we presented to Mr Boland at that time. We chose the Sunshine Variety Club as the beneficiary for our project which was to showcase all the (then) artistes on the Coast – DLS was not in existence at that stage so don’t worry Steve this is not a dig at you. We always try to work for Charities, and yes it can be a way for self promotion, but if done in a good sensitive way, a win-win situation. Sunshine Variey Club (GB) is traditionally the one for showbiz people so it fitted with our project.

  10. Look at the facts and then decide for yourselves.
    Maurice Boland has fronted a string of businesses over the past 20 years in Marbella. His involvement with each averaging no more than 2 years. He has fronted, not owned. Other people’s money not his own.
    He has also fronted many charity events. Again, fronted, hosted or auctioneer. He has not organised most of these events himself. Other people have organised them, he has taken the credit. And never contributed a cent of his own money.
    2 years ago he admitted to an affair with a 16 year old schoolgirl. A fact he admitted and a statement to the effect printed in a local newspaper.
    He now fronts another radio station. Other people’s money again, not his own. A string of presenters all leaving for the same quoted reason; they have not been paid. A radio station that few know of as it does not advertise its own presence anywhere whatsoever. It hardly has any paid advertisers itself. He lost the FM frequency because he couldn’t pay the transmitter fee, no other reason whatsoever.
    Whether a supporter of Maurice Boland or not, you can’t help but think this man has blagged his way through the past 20 years and there are few naive people left to accept his blarney.
    After the disastrous fallout and fiasco following the Fire Aid Concert / Red Cross situation last year that was well reported here and elsewhere, I do also have to question those who do decide to support his antics.
    I am completely indifferent to Maurice Boland or his radio station, what I do object to is the public being hoodwinked, especially when it comes to supporting local charities. I do not believe the man can be trusted.

  11. Tomie Jones is Mr Toad is Andrew Gordon Pink, Brian is Brian one day and Brain the next made up names and surprised that these two are allowed to post on this page.
    Brian/Brain says Maurice has only spent 2 years in anyone business, what total rubbish; 15 years on Onda Cero 6 years on REM /TRE. Just in case you can’t add that’s 21 years on radio! During those years he launched and sold Hi! Magazine, brought Karaoke to Spain and opened 3 discotheques!
    Charity. Maurice LAUNCHED Raise the Roof for Cudeca single handed and raised 30 million pesetas to pay for the roof on the hospice, he introduced the REM/TRE telethon spent 12 solid hours on air on the first show and handed over a check for 75, 000 Euros to Cudeca. The telethon went on to raise 100,000euros before he left the radio station. He has gone on to host many charity shows since then NEVER charging a penny for his efforts. He launched Varity Club in Spain and in the first year bought 2 mini buses for orphanages. Again during the Fire Aid this Tomie/Toad and Brian/Brain were the only two critics writing on this page using many aliases.

    May I suggest instead of sitting home all day criticising Maurice you get out and do something. Pathetic you are.

  12. Err sorry Brian (if that is your real name) but what point are you trying to make here?? Are you the peoples’ champion or something? Why do you care about his radio station? Are you one of the investors?

    As for fronting the charitable events, so what if Maurice promoted them. As the thread earlier on illustrated he helped raise viable funds.

    Okay the 16 year old girl. This story ran its course already and I’m sure valuable lessons have been learnt all round. Bringing it up really is unfair on the families involved. But I guess you are just callous.

    And no I am not MB hiding behind the name of Sarah in case you may think that. My name IS Sarah. Many people know me here and you can find me, my husband and dog living beachside Elviria but I hope to goodness I never run into you whoever you really are.

  13. I am disinterested in whether or not people believe my name is Brian. Boland himself is known to have multiple identities himself related to numerous Facebook and email accounts. How do I know this? A rather friendly investigative journalist here traced them to the same IP address. No doubt one or more of those posting here are Boland himself.

    The facts remain the same
    Affair with a 16 year old after a 40 year marriage = untrustworthy

    Not paying staff promised wages = untrustworthy

    Fundraising specifically for the fire victims and not a cent went to them = untrustworthy

    Making blatantly false statements about why he lost his FM frequently = untrustworthy

    If you read what I wrote, I said string of businesses not what he was also doing as a job. But if any of these business were a success why has he no money and had to rely on other’s to fund his schemes?

    As I also said before, I am also totally disinterested in his radio station, merely I object to the public being hoodwinked, especially when it comes to supporting local charities. I will never believe the man can be trusted.

  14. tomie jones “Is the John that has posted on here John church investor and presenter on Italk network radio? hmmm.”

    No, this John has no connection with MB other than knowing him from the radio for the last 20+ years, and in fact often disagrees with him over things on FB.

    I just dislike sanctimonious bullies who try to target folk and spread malicious rumours based upon spurious information.

    I agree that starting a new business venture in these times is a risky proposition, which may hit rough times due to the state of the economy, but self righteous smug pensioners taking pot shots to try and sink any business is NOT what we need for the Costa economy.

  15. My last submission was not printed for some reason though it only echoed “Brians” observations which are spot on.And in the words of Max Boyce…”I know cos I was there!”
    This day/s had to come for Boland who only ever managed to claw his way onto radio (after the door had been closed many times) by getting a gullible millionaire to buy the airtime on OCI and I was given the task of training him.There is no doubt there is no one to touch him when it comes to marketing himself but when it comes to presenting he would not get past reception in ANY UK station.The Olive Press article informs us that the indignant Boland has threatened to sue David Klein,a contributor on TRE,for merely pointing out what IS going on with the remnants of ITalk.David has nothing to fear.Boland himself was sued by my one time “on air” partner Russ Kane for unpaid wages and was awarded £30,000. Russ is still waiting! Boland really needs to quit while he is well behind but I fear “planet ego” will have to be dragged screaming into obscurity.

  16. I’ve said my bit, facts, not rumours, spurious information or gossip. There are enough people out there, including other ex-business partners and employees of Maurice Boland to find and confirm the facts easily. His current situation with italk(fm) has nothing whatsoever to do with the current state of the economy, but entirely due to the fact that he has spent all the initial investment funds running the station over the past 2 years. He has had no other real income into the station and he’s now just run out of money and no one else will invest. End of story!

  17. barry nice to here from you, thank god for facts and information coming from brian julie and yourself. I NEED SAY NO MORE . JAMIE HARRIS WHAT IS YOUR OBSESSION OVER ALIASES?It is not who you sign in as it is what you say . Though i could say JAMIE HARRIS IS MAURICE BOLAND BUT I WILL NOT .
    Is maurice going to sue barry mitchell,s statement about RUSS KANE ?No, why, because it is true you see sarah truth has a funny way of outing itself . I say no more I am going back to my blogger bye all. OH MAURICE YOU DON,T NEED TO KEEP POSTING MR TOAD IS TOMIE JONES IS ANDREW GORDON PINK EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT BECAUSE YOU SAY SO OFTEN ENOUGH . WOW IF YOU KEEP SAYING IT I SHALL BE JUST AS FAMOUS AS YOU .

  18. OH A FINAL THOUGHT FOR YOU MAURICE,SARAH,JAMIE, Just because you say something often enough does not necessarily make it true . olive press you are doing a great job reporting the news and have a lot to cope with ,with your readers comments , good job well done .

  19. The name MR TOAD suits you. Why don’t you crawl back under your stone? And at the same time take some lessons in literacy – my 5 year old can write better than you.

  20. I’ve known Maurice for several years now, both personally and professionally. Now, regardless of the somewhat negative posts above, you HAVE to respect someone who has managed to survive in radio, in Spain, for so long!

    People love to post detrimental remarks online; it’s a tough business life over here and one simply has to survive in business.

    We all have our faults, including Maurice, but kudos for surviving and providing good radio entertainment…

  21. sarah why do we have to get personal.full stop I only made a statement , coma you are obviously an intelligent person your five year old must be similar to beethoven he wrote his first piece at five , coma still both you and I are off topic ,coma we are not discussing our grasp of the english language , coma we are dicussing Maurice boland and david klien .full stop
    OH Edward tou are so right .

  22. Oh sarah I went to the government approved school in the country, we were taught to be good boys and service the staff in their every need . education was restricted to our cleaning fetching and carrying . IT was approved by government and private education alike we still had fagging and other forms of servitude. english grammar was not on the top of the list , I am sorry it annoys you and I shall really try in the future to rise to your expectations.I HOPE THOUGH YOU HAVE GOT THE POINT.

  23. Alan bond, First paragraph. NO! Respect is earned not stolen and gained off other peoples backs. SURVIVED AND ADVANCED OFF USING OTHER PEOPLE .
    SECOND PARAGRAPH. As I Say some survive by working with others , others by using them.
    third paragraph we are imperfect beings but some of us have a moral code others do not and regards good radio entertainment that is why he now is operating from a small internet radio station, not out there on bbc or international radio . He trod and used many on the way up . Now he is receiving what he gave out on the way down. No he has nearly hit rock bottom. respect is earned not by ducking and diving.

  24. First of all allow me to let you and the Olive Press staff know that I say THANK YOU for the news paper. All thatI can say is BRAVO.

    I have known “MO BO” for almost thirty years and can honestly say that he is almost the best GRAFTER that I have ever known. But all good things come to an end “Mo BO” and I suggest that you look for another place where the MARKS don’t know you. The horse you have been riding is getting awfully tired Man.

    Let’s talk about “The Dog Man” for a little bit. I have also known David for a whole lot of years and know him to be honest and can get himself in crap faster then any one I know always trying to help someone in trouble. I will say that “The Dog Man” is either loved or hated and one can carve that statement in stone.

    Thanks again OLIVE PRESS. To me you are like and island of truth in the “LA LA” land of Marbella.

    Istan Duque

    I get what you are saying ISTan DUQUE (ANOTHER PLAY ON WORDS) , very clever and informative .
    edward you could not have put it better.

  26. Alan, what’s your definition of a successful radio station? One that lasts two years funded only by initial investments, having no other income, not pay presenters and most leave? Not advertising the station anywhere whatsoever so no one actually knows you exist? It’s not a viable business let alone radio station. It’s now lost FM frequency too. If you like listening to the shows then I hope you enjoy, but as for surviving the station is all but gone.

  27. If one can stay in business in these trying times, I would put it to you that there is a level of success to that endeavor.

    Having an ‘air’ signal in Spain legally is tough to get and offers a poor distribution of frequency on the coast anyway; try getting a good signal in your car driving along the coast! Internet broadcasting is increasingly becoming the most popular cost-effective way to broadcast, especially when a large part of ones audience is derived outside of Spain; in the UK and Ireland, etc.

    In this progressive age of Android/iPhone apps, wide WI-FI and Internet coverage, it does make good business sense to go down this route, as it offers the best coverage – WI-FI car radios are now becoming more popular in this progressive society too…

    To be perfectly honest, this all seems to be a Boland/iTalk bashing…as is the ‘norm’ with this paper (IN MY OPINION) and I sincerely hope that this is not being facilitated by this papers association with another radio station on the coast with whom they are REGULARLY have a featured broadcast, along with one of their staff members (surely you know who he is), who also broadcasts on their frequency!


    I listen to to a few of the stations on the coast, enjoy their programs and have no bias towards any of them. However, I detest the hate and vitriol that belches from forums like this, when none of contributers know the full facts about the running of the station or the man himself – I KNOW THAT AT LEAST TWO OF THE POSTERS ON THIS FORUM ABOVE WHO ARE ALIASES FOR OTHER TROUBLE MAKERS WHO HAVE BEEN AT IT FOR YEARS, MR. TOAD & MR. TOMY, REMOVED FROM FACEBOOK FOR THE VERY SAME REASON.

    Leave the guy alone. If you don’t like him or his station, just switch to another station. If you have nothing better to do that attack someone online on a regular basis, I truly feel very sorry for you…SHAME ON ALL!!!

  28. I would also say that I really enjoy the Olive Press as an informative read,so it genuinely saddens me when I see this ‘tosh’ in their publication.


  29. so much rubbish…this is a story..? come on….! This is more free publicity for a has been… a waste of ink or cyber ink…. Get real Olive Press… go after real news not all this unworthy nonsense. Brian says it all… End of…

  30. I had avoided commenting further on this thread as soon as I became aware that it was being fed by the couple of the usual lonely souls who, love spewing vitriol which appears to be directed at one person. I could not resist responding to Tomies (baby name no): Comment. “sarah why do we have to get personal” from someone who personalizes everything to the point of slander. If I cared, I would be concerned for the mental state of this character who is obviously obsessed with Maurice Boland. This is not in support of anyone but an comment on someone who should really give up and get a life. This of course you won’t will you, this is your life.

  31. Bravo Alan Bond….

    The fact is whether one likes MB or not, he tries very hard and is a great showman.

    If any of these ‘complainants’ have actual evidence that MB has committed a crime, then take it to the law, otherwise shut up trying to talk down business people who are striving hard to survive in these times.

    Cheap shots are not becoming to those who issue them, nor the publication that allows them. We are all in this together whether we like it or not and senseless bickering is not the way to build confidence on this coast.

    Incidentally, I listen to iTalk online from half way around the world, so not having a crappy reception radio frequency because Spain is trying to be clever and raise cash from allowing you to use what is free air seems no big problem, I listen and watch everything from my computer these days, don’t even own a radio or tv receiver and never bother with the car radio, always use usb plugins!

  32. Maurice has discussed this issue on his show this morning. If ANY of you have issues with him, then pick up the phone and call him now – He’s waiting to hear from you.

    But as you don’t have the ‘balls’ to do so, feel free to continue to hide behind the anonymity of this forum…as usual!

    For those that want correct information, pick up the phone and call now…!!!

  33. Alan, maybe you have missed the point. Boland is proven to be totally untrustworthy. When that escapes the confines of his personal life and radio station and has a direct influence on the community I live in then I will air my views, especially when it affects both those who work hard for local charities as well as those who support them.
    As I stated previously I am disinterested in his radio station, because although they refer to themselves as Marbella’s radio station there is no local content, none to speak of.
    The people you really need to speak to are the investors into his radio station who have lost their money. The presenters who have gone unpaid. The people who organise charity events where he takes all the credit. Speak to them before you rush to conclusions.
    Support Boland if you want, the truth does a habit of coming out eventually.

  34. RIGHT LISTEN VERY CAREFULLY TO THIS . We are just waiting for the fat lady to sing and then it will be all over ,this is going to happen very soon. MAURICE IS OFF TO DUBLIN I WISH HIM WELL , WILL HE RETURN , YES OF COURSE HE WILL, WHEN I DON,T KNOW BUT WHEN HE DOES MARK MY WORDS THINGS WILL BE DIFFERENT.

  35. You two (Tomie Jones & Brian) spout cheap rhetoric and have been doing so on various forums for ages now. You bring nothing to the table other than unsubstantiated facts. You have been saying for years that Maurice is doomed and and that he is going and yet he is still here!!!

    You were given an opportunity to call Maurice at the station and have your say, yet you did nothing about it…

    If he’d been guilty of even a small fraction of what this forum has stated above, he’d have been sued and knowing Spain as we all do, would be in prison; he would have been denounced at the police station as the basic minimum -AND YET NOTHING TO DATE.

    Methinks that this is a case of cyber bullying and you are simply not worth the effort of any further messages.


  36. Spoke to one of your staff who had a private run-in with David Klein of Tre . The man seems to be very aggressive, bitter and jealous. I am friend and listener of italkfm and not one thing he says or writes is viable.

  37. I would like to add that I believe The Olive Press to be guilty of agitating the whole situation in this case. I am not sure what hidden agendas are at play here, if any, but any competent forum moderator would have put a stop to all this. After all, it’s not as though this is the first time it has happened. But no, they put it on the home page of their website instead…for the love of God!


  38. My god alan bond me thinks thee does protest to much . Myself I shall be restricting myself to a blog site with my future comments. So alan that should satisfy you . As regards boland he is off to dublin so he will not be around.
    Iwould like to add that I believe The olive Press to be guilty of nothing they have allowed the subject matter to be discussed without fear or favour and I believe.
    Quote maurice boland we at Italk fm operate freedom of speech” , as the subject matter is directly about maurice boland would it not alan be going against all that Maurice Boland supposedly believes in proper or not it is the general public saying what they wish to say .

  39. This is a thread with a forum that has been created by The Olive Press, in response to a story they have published online. The forum content contains unsubstantiated comments from individuals of the public, many of which are to the detriment of an individual, that is to say, Maurice Boland and his business activities.

    Journalism Tommie is the activity, or product, of journalists or others engaged in the preparation of written, visual, or audio material intended for dissemination through public media with reference to factual, ongoing events of public concern. I do not believe that this is the case here and there should be some form of retraction of this thread in order to facilitate matters.

    Free speech still has to be honest and accurate. This is why we have defamation/slander laws in Spain and the EU, in order to protect individuals and companies. Most jurisdictions allow legal action to deter various kinds of defamation and retaliate against groundless criticism, so it’s VERY important not to quote anything that may be misconstrued.

    Anyway, enough of this. Let’s see if you are a man of your word and stick to the above promise.

  40. Alan, your statement is a contradiction in terms. It is not possible to misconstrue facts as libel or deformation.

    If Boland had a case under the laws you quote he has equally been entitled to take action, yet never has. His only action is to block freedom of speech while at the same time believing he is the only one who is always right by merely being the one who shouts loudest.

    Instead of inviting Tomie to call him off-air, why not on-air?

    I am amused Alan that you would post then run.

  41. Brian. I think Alan made his points perfectly clear and I am sure he has better things to with his time than facilitate the perpetuation of this vitriolic thread in which, frankly, you and your sidekick Tomiebaby, come across as ridiculous.

    May you both have the last word.

    I’m out of here too.

  42. I decided to leave this thread, as there seems no further point in continuing. I have my opinion on the situation, along with many others on this thread. No matter what is stated on here, cyber bullies such as you and your cohorts above will continue with their endeavors – I have no more time to waste on you all.

    There is quite clearly something going on here below the surface and I will not fuel the fires by continuing on this path.

    We will see if your predictions come to fruition. However, I doubt it!

  43. It is very funny that supporters of Boland believe they are entitled to an opinion yet everyone else is a bully. Some come here to state that this conversation should not be going on, so why join in then!

    I have no association whatsoever with Tomie or anyone else who posts here or elsewhere for that matter. The only thing in common is we all believe that it is correct to air factual information that has an affect on the place we live and the people in our communities. We’re entitled to do that and it is called free-speech. I have verified certain facts for my own satisfaction. If Boland wishes to deny them, then let him come here and debate it. He won’t, because the facts are the facts.

  44. Oh Brian, The man Boland is on this forum for sure, just signing in under different names !!!!!!

    Alan Bond, Alan Bond you have made me laugh.
    I drive all over the coast everyday and listen to many radio stations on the coast all sound good and strong in my car. The only one with a poor signal strength was Bollands even outside the hotel he broadcast from.
    His business failed for the reasons Brian writes. He is now only internet because he could not afford to pay it anymore – no other reason.
    Internet broadcasting with 20 something listeners…..you are right it is the way forward. It must be why so many are following in Bollands footsteps and closing their FM to concentrate on internet – not.

  45. to alan bond he said”we will see if your predictions come to fruition”. The fat lady has sung (well a jolly welsh tenor actually). italk has shut down just back to back musak .Maurice has made a statement to that effect on his facebook page. bye bye italk . OH SOMETHING ABOUT OPENING UP IN ANOTHER FORM . WHAT that is he is not saying but radio is radio internet is internet . so what form it is I do not know . maybe two tin cans and a peace of string eh!!
    MAURICE BOLAND HAS LEFT THE BUILDING. The sound of the tune goodbyee can be heard faintly in the background

  46. Boland has shut down the station as we all predicted yet he still calls us cynics! He states he plans a pioneering innovative concept for radio in Spain. That’s many adjectives strung together but what exactly can he mean? A radio station that actually focuses on local content maybe! He lost his FM frequency so he can only be talking of internet radio, and what’s so new and ground-breaking about that exactly? You don’t just shut down a radio station and say you’ll be back soon, that’s total credibility lost to start with. Will we ever see the station back on air? As a professional radio station I doubt it. Nothing has come to pass that we haven’t all predicted from the outset.
    Tomie, I totally agree with you. We were waiting for the fat lady (or man) to sing, and here we have it. I’m sure the welsh tenor you refer to would only be too happy to oblige and sing ‘Time to Say Goodbye’!

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