16 Jun, 2013 @ 08:30
1 min read

Three week charity walk in Andalucia

Higher Res Walking Pic e

SO you enjoy a challenge? Would you like to discover some of Spain’s most beautiful mountain trails and help some of the most destitute children in the world at the same time?

All you need is a bit of spare time this autumn and a decent pair of walking boots.

This September a group of expats will begin a three week fund-raising walk for Nepalese children.

The 21-day, 430 km trail, is based on a book The Andalucían Coast to Coast Walk, by Guy Hunter-Watts.

Similar to a walk undertaken two years ago, the walk will set off on September 15 from a beautiful beach in Maro, close to Nerja.

From here it will wind its way through no less than seven natural parks before finally arriving at the Roman ruins at Cadiz three weeks later.

Each leg is led by walking guide Hunter-Watts and is between 16 and 27 kilometres in distance.

“It is well within the capabilities of anyone of good health who walks on a regular basis,” explains Guy, who hopes to raise tens of thousands of euros for impoverished children in Nepal.

Highlights include the mighty Maroma massif, the magnificent karst formations of El Torcal, the wild mountains of the Sierra de las Nieves and the ancient cork forests of Los Alcornocales. Passing through Competa, Carratraca, Ronda, Jimena, Castellar and Tarifa, the walk takes you to the heart of Andalucía’s magnificent sierras.

The group will stay in simple village accommodation, picnic along the way and get together most evenings at dinner. Even better, there will be a support van for moving luggage from village to village.

So far four intrepid walkers have signed up for all 21 days while others plan to join the group for a day or more.

Layla Paterson, secretary and trustee of the Sherpa School, in Nepal, told the Olive Press: “The response last time was simply extraordinary.

“Over 100 walkers joined us for a day or more, and raised more than £40,000 in sponsorship. It was enough to pay for an extension to be built to the school, allowing us to expand by another three classrooms.

“We’re very much hoping that the Olive Press can encourage other walkers to join us on the walk.”

New sponsors are urgently needed and it’s hoped that all walkers who participate will sponsor a child, donate to the charity or find friends to sponsor them on the walk.

For further information contact Layla Paterson patersons2001@hotmail.com or telephone 956 23 40 48


  1. A big ‘thank you’ to Jon and all at The O.P. for your article about our walk. The excellent news is that, thanks to your mention, we have already had a number of calls from people who are keen to get involved. And the number of walkers joining me for all 430 kilometres has now risen to 6.
    So please give us a call or drop us an email, and support a really worthy cause.

  2. A wonderful worth while event. For details of what this Charity does please look at “http://www.helpingnepalschildren.org/”. it is astonishing how much they are able to do for so little money. It is not passive giving. This is for education. They have agricultural projects, and people in the area come to look at the poly-tunnels, and then build their own. This is investing in the future. And we should always remember the debt of honour Britain owes to the Gurkhas. To sponsor a child costs very little, and the child will send you letters and a New Year card, along with its school report. The Charity organisers take NO salary, and NO expenses. Every penny (centimo) you give goes in full to the schools.

  3. WILLARD MUBVUMBI – Please look at the web site, “www.helpingnepalschildren.org” and see what wonderful work is being done. To sponsor a child for a whole year is only 175 euros.

  4. I checked that website that PM gave: “http://www.helpingnepalschildren.org/”

    It does seem to have quasi-religious links, specifically Buddhism.

    Nothing wrong with that, of course, but it´s worth knowing about.

  5. PM, posted that remark, thinking that would be my final contribution to this thread. Unfortunately your comment is provocative.

    One well-respected online encyclopedia says that Buddhism is a religion, in spite of some claims to the contrary, so let us make that our starting point.

    In every religion that I know of, there is intolerance. It may be towards other religious groups, their missionaries, sexual minorities (such gays, lesbians and transsexuals), alcohol, drinks containing caffeine, and so on.

    Are you saying that Tibetan Buddhism is exempt from all those things? If so, you speak with little respect for the several online articles that suggest otherwise. (I did a search after reading your post:)

    Other than that, I stand by what I said in my post: “It does seem to have quasi-religious links, specifically Buddhism.
    Nothing wrong with that, of course, but it´s worth knowing about.”

  6. I forgot to mention this. Maureen (JUNE 17TH, 2013 8:28 PM) makes a very good point.

    There are plenty of impoverished children here in Spain. Less “fashionable” than “exotic” Tibetan children? Maybe.

  7. Less “fashionable” than “exotic” Tibetan children? Maybe. Closer to home? Most definitely.

    More deserving? That depends on your point of view.

    If you support Buddhist charities, you would probably say “no”.

    On the other hand, someone who did not support the idea of giving money to a religious charity would probably say “yes”. That is especially true if they did not see the point of sending money to a charity that previously they knew nothing about.

  8. “PM, posted that remark, thinking that would be my final contribution to this thread. Unfortunately your comment is provocative.”

    I have just noticed that I omitted a small but signicant word from that sentence (posted: JUNE 18TH, 2013 10:23 AM)

    It should read:

    “PM, I posted that remark, thinking that would be my final contribution to this thread. Unfortunately your comment is provocative.”

  9. I would like to explain to Tony Bishop that, despite our name, it has always been our policy to take children regardless of any race, colour, religion or caste. The only common denominator is their desperate need. We have in our care Hindu Dalits (Untouchables), children from families who practice a mixture of animism plus one of the main religions, and Buddhist’s children. Religious instruction is given, not according to any particular religion, but based on ethics and morality that applies to both secular and religious peoples, and should they be applied by everybody would lead to a very much more peaceful and happier world.
    Incidentally in Nepal there is a great deal religious tolerance. Statues of Ganesh, the Hindu monkey God, is found in Buddhist temples and statues of the Buddha in Hindu temples. All our projects are in Nepal, not Tibet.

    And to Maureen I would say that, to our mind, any child deprived of home, family, food, clothes or education regardless of location is equally deserving of help. Communication has made the world seem so much smaller today that it is easy to think of all people as one family. Sadly our resources cannot stretch to encompass all the world’s needy children.

    Layla Paterson
    The Buddha Memorial Children’s Home Trust

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