14 May, 2013 @ 18:39
1 min read

Boost for Spanish motor industry

PRIME Minister Mariano Rajoy has pledged to invest €1 billion in Spain’s car industry over the coming weeks.

Despite ongoing economic woes and soaring unemployment, already a total of €5 billion has been invested in the Spanish car industry in just over a year.

He made the announcement at a lunch for car company executives ahead of Barcelona International Motor Show.

Rajoy added that 12% of the country’s workforce is employed directly or indirectly in the auto sector and that most of the jobs are highly skilled.


  1. Now that the Spanish electorate have got rid of the idiot Zapatero international confidence in investing in Spain is beginning to return.

    Not necessarily good news for the British motor industry as Ford announce the closure of its Southampton Transit van factory and another site with the loss of 1,400 British jobs and production of the new Transit, and new generation Mondeo and S.Max will move to Ford’s Valencia plant.

    Good news for hard pressed Spanish workers …
    And an indication of greater confidence in Spain than in Britain!

  2. The auto industry isn’t turning to Spain in admiration of their work force. Rather that they see an opportunity to use cheap labour because of the downturn here. These guys are expert at shifting production where it’s cheapest. What’s really absurd is giving Rajoy any credit, he’s doing what he knows best, handing out the bungs.

  3. stefanjo

    In a global economy no manufacturing industry will survive if it is continually strangled by politically motivated communist backed trade union interference. This applies particularly to Spain where for years the anarchist CNT and the socialist UGT have enforced antiquated and restrictive work practices which have damaged Spain’s reputation as a viable economic force in the world economy.

    Rajoy is now addressing these problems, although any comparisons between him and Thatcher may be premature (and as yet unmerited) at least he is going in the right (pun intended) direction.

    That you should suggest that the only reason that Ford (or any motor manufacturer) invests heavily in Spain is to exploit “cheap labour” is simply NOT true otherwise all car production would be based in Asia where labour rates are quarter the cost! Spain has been chosen for the primary reason that its work force is technically proficient and has the potential to produce goods to economic targets – substances that provide rather less opportunity for emotive posturing than does “slave labour” …

    Regarding your sentiments towards Rajoy … I respectfully suggest that over exposure to BBC/Guardian indoctrination may have caused you to find the term “right wing” as distasteful as I find the term “left-wing”.


  4. Ooh! Got a bee in our bonnets about the “Commies” haven’t we Maria. It wasn’t the unions or the “Commies” that brought down the financial system. It was the high priests of Capitalism, the bankers and their fawning right-wing politicians. To look to those same crooks as national saviours will just mire us deeper in the doo doo. The reason car makers aren’t turning to the East for labour, is they are just waiting for them to learn which end of a hammer to use. The Spanish workers have learnt how to tighten nuts, so they are ripe for exploitation.
    I would suggest, without a shred of respect, that your exposure to the right-wing nutters you espouse, has done your views no favours.

  5. Stefanjo

    With due deference to your far left views may I respectfully draw your attention to just some of the large number of Asian motor manufacturers whose workers you claim are … “waiting to learn which end of a hammer to use. “

    Toyota Motor Corporation
    Nissan Motor
    Mitsubishi Motors
    Isuzu Motors
    Mazda Motor Corporation
    Hyundai Motor
    Suzuki Motor
    Daihatsu Motor
    Kia Motors
    Daewoo Motor

    Given your interest in the well-being of trade unions (and the aficionados they allegedly protect) do you consider your remarks shows considerable disrespect towards highly qualified engineers, design teams and assembly workers?

    I am all for robust debate providing people employ facts and avoid personal abuse including the use of the word “nutter”. This except in matters concerning Senor Zapetero where during his far left administration most of the damage to the Spanish financial system was caused. He and his cronies can hardly be considered anything else but a disaster to Spain – a disaster that Rajoy has been left to remedy, apparently without any support from you.

    Love Maria xxx

  6. Spain is moving in the right direction. I believe before year end the world will see a strong come back economically from Spain.God bless Spain and its people in Jesus name!!!Viva Rajoy…

  7. In this newspaper, every time there is a negative article about the UK or a british expat, the forums are completely silent.

    When there is a positive article about Spain, straight away clasified as a lie or twist by forum s expat….

    Old english folk you can´t trick anyone else around, the world know u r full of shit…keep praying for Scotland not to separate….

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