3 May, 2013 @ 10:58
1 min read

Thousands turn out for Mayday protests across Spain

Mayday e

MAYDAY protests passed largely peacefully in Spain this year, despite predictions that the demonstrations would become violent.

Thousands of protesters marched in the capital, snaking up the Gran Via central shopping street, waving flags and carrying placards reading ‘austerity ruins and kills’ and ‘reforms are robbery’.

Demonstrations also took place in Barcelona, where May Day marchers paraded through the city to express their anger over the government’s austerity programme.

But the scenes of rioting and violence seen in other European cities were absent in Spain, despite more than 100,000 people taking part in protests in 80 cities across the country.

Although the turnout seemed to be smaller than at last year’s protests, union leaders insisted there was a great deal of anger expressed throughout Spain.

“There has never been a May 1 with more reason to take to the street,” said Candido Mendez, head of the UGT union, one of two main unions that called on workers and the unemployed to join the protests.

Spain has witnessed record unemployment this year, as the government grapples with the debt crisis by pursuing a number of stinging austerity measures.

“The future of Spain looks terrible; we’re going backwards with this government,” said former civil servant Alicia Candelas, 54, who has been out of work for two years.


  1. International banksters are playing their game across the world breaking countries and governments down to a state of chaos. How many banksters at the top of the food chain went to gaol since the 2008 ponzy debacle started? And who does really control our lives?

    Things are worse in Spain simply because the banksters realised that the people are more gullible, immobile and inexperienced (not to mention poorly educated) Add to this the population’s inherent fixation with the fiesta and the sofa and Spain is destined to return to what it has always really been – a third world country – and no amount of protesting or demonstrating by the Communist dominated unions will change matters

    Prepare to live in much more “humble” circumstances!
    Who knows you may enjoy it more!

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