10 Apr, 2013 @ 18:02
1 min read

UK police hunt Canary Islands kidnap suspect

kidnap suspect e

BRITISH police are searching for a man who tried to abduct a three-year-old girl in the Canary Islands.

The family from Milton Keynes were on holiday in Lanzarote on January 30 last year when a man attempted to lure the child away from her parents in a shop.

When the victim’s father noticed she was missing, he left the store and saw his daughter being led into an alleyway by a man holding her hand.

The father shouted out and ran up to his little girl to pull her away from the man.

The family were on the beach shortly after and noticed the same man hanging around some rocks and acting suspiciously.

When confronted the man fled from the scene, but not before the girl’s parents were able to take photos of him which have now been released by police.

The suspect spoke fluent English and is believed to be British. He is described as white with pasty skin, of stocky build with broad shoulders, 5ft 8ins to 5ft 9ins, 40 to 55-years-old, with short dark hair and a dark moustache.

“This is a very concerning incident in which a young girl was led away from her family by an unknown man,” said investigating officer Detective Constable John Swallow.

“The victim’s father knew it was his daughter being led around the corner because he recognised her flashing trainers.

“The incident was reported to Thames Valley Police after initially being reported to police in Lanzarote and we have been making enquiries to try and establish the man’s identity since then.

“We have reason to believe he may be a British citizen as he spoke fluent English and made references to being on holiday.”

British police are now working closely with the Spanish authorities and Interpol in an attempt to track down the man.

Detective Constable Swallow added: “I am appealing for anyone who recognises the man in the images or has information on his whereabouts to contact police as soon as possible.”


  1. A father catches a “man” leading his daughter away and doesn’t pummel him to the ground, arm up his back (preferably breaking it) and keep him immobilised till the police arrive? The creep was on an island, he could not have left without being nabbed. They have his picture for Gods sake.

  2. Pedophiles and mentally disrupted individuals are not something new in London. They are a tradition of the place. Instead of blaming immigrants to cover their own real problems, the British must agree on the fact they are not able to solve problems such as this one. What a shame to blame immigrants, while conquering their countries. That I don’t understand.

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