6 Apr, 2013 @ 10:00
1 min read

EU rejects ‘Cyprus solution’ in Spain

euro atm e

EU bosses have been forced to step in to deny that savings accounts in Spain, Italy and other European countries could be raided if needed to preserve Europe’s single currency.

It came after the Dutch chairman of the Euro group claimed that the so-called ‘Cyprus solution’ could be used elsewhere to prop up failing banks.

While he later insisted that he had been misunderstood, Jeroen Dijsselbloem told the Financial Times that the involvement of shareholders, creditors and large customers in the Cyprus bailout deal could become a model for the future.

The policy had naturally alarmed hundreds of thousands of British expats living in Spain and elsewhere in Europe, who have transferred their savings to European banks.

Dijsselbloem said: “If there is a risk in a bank, our first question should be ‘Okay, what are you in the bank going to do about that? What can you do to recapitalise yourself?

“If the bank can’t do it, then we’ll talk to the shareholders and the bondholders, we’ll ask them to contribute in recapitalising the bank, and if necessary the uninsured deposit holders.”

However, the Dutch finance minister tried to row back from his comments by insisting that ‘Cyprus is a specific case’.

His comments were also described as ‘wrong,’ by European Central Bank executive board member Benoit Coeure.

The European Commission likewise rushed to assure Europeans that the involvement of large depositors and creditors in the bailout of Cypriot banks was in no way a model for the future.

“The Cyprus case is unique for several reasons,” said Michel Barnier.


  1. The EU might not impose it, but Spain itself might (Italy did it with the Lire some years back, albeit on a very small scale). Honestly, can one really trust Spain on this given its apalling record on planning problems and illegal houses, land grabs, draconian tax laws that foreign residents have no say in, and of course endemic corruption?

  2. i think that Spain should implement residency granting scheme to foreign home buyers – “http://topspanishhomes.com/news/foreign-property-buyers-spain-are-be-granted-residence-permit” – in my view it would really support the housing industry and economy as a whole

  3. Take absolutely no notice of the EU or the bank managers telling you how very safe your money is in the bank, and don’t worry.
    Take the advice of Nigel Farage UKIP. Don’t wait any longer take your money out.

  4. Almeida: Not clear what you are saying. Take my money out of which bank ? And then where do I put it? If enough people take notice of Farage it will be a sad time for most expats,who are likely to be treated as aliens.

  5. Almeida: Not indecisive, unclear. What are you on about? Which bank do you refer to? Are you talking about stuffing ones money in the mattress for the moths and thieves to have? Have you read your own comment?

  6. Luc: To paraphrase Woody Guthrie. One man will rob you with a fountain pen, the other will cave your skull in and rob you.
    You pays your money and makes your choice….

  7. Well spotted Fred. Sounds like a game of ‘Simple Simon says’… no prizes for guessing who the winner is. More interesting though, who will be the first to leave the game?

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