11 Dec, 2012 @ 10:07
1 min read

Velez fishermen warn EU net restrictions could reduce Christmas supplies by 50%

Fishing boats Caleta de Velez

FISHERMEN in Caleta de Velez are speaking out after two boats were threatened with fines of up to €60,000 for using nets 2mm smaller than the law allows.

A surprise inspection took place after Fisheries Ministry turned up in a patrol boat to check net sizes, following new rules introduced by the EU for fishing in the Mediterranean.

Two boats were found to be using nets that were too small – despite fishing boss Jose Luis Guerrero arguing inspectors had not allowed for natural shrinkage.

The new rules for net size have been highly criticised by the fishing community and town hall, who argue they are ‘not appropriate’ and that the sector is being unfairly targeted.

They warned they could mean a 50% shortage in supplies of prawns and squid in fish markets over Christmas – as well as price hikes.

Meanwhile Velez Malaga mayor Francisco Delgado said fishing was ‘one of the sectors that has been most punished by the economic crisis’, adding that each boat provides around six jobs, and IU spokesman Salvador Marin called for an exception for Malaga’s coastline.

“We cannot have patrol boats being sent in to act against the boats in Caleta de Velez and dishing out fines between €3,000 and €60,000,” he said.

Eloise Horsfield

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  1. Francisco Delgado personifies what is wrong with politicians “We cannot have patrol boats being sent in to act against the boats in Caleta de Velez and dishing out fines between €3,000 and €60,000,” he said.
    Why not?
    If they are breaking the law, a law which benefits us all and future generations too, they should be punished. Delgado is just trying to grab a couple of short-term votes from a group who just want to increase their profits by stealing food from our children and future generations.

  2. The Spanish are far too short-sighted to see that over-fishing and illegal netting practices will ultimately destroy their livlihoods, as well as all the marine life in the vicinity. This is an industry that needs maximum inspections and fines. The consequences are far more important than a shortage of prawns at Xmas.

  3. There are over 500,000 commercial fishermen based in the EU, that’s 90% too many.

    I remember seeing tv footage at the end of the 1960s’ showing vast warehouses full of prime fish to be used to make cattle food – 5 kilos of superior protein/minerals/vitamins – to produce 1 kilo of inferior protein + anti-biotics and other animal medications – utter madness.

    Celtic traitors in Karnow/Cornwall sold their fishing permits to the greedy Spanish who proceeded to eliminate for eternity all the mackeral/sprats/sardines etc.

    Now the Spanish/French and Dutch use factory ships employing virtually slave labour to loot the fish resources of West Africa. The Spanish bully the Moroccans and pay them a pittance to loot all the anchovy and sardines in Moroccan waters.

    The blue and red fin Tuna are virtually extinct thanks to the could’nt care less Japanese business class that don’t care how much they pay.

    Simple answer – institute a moratorium on all fishing and fish consumption in the EU for say 50 years.

    Of course this will never happen and within 20 years or less most fish stocks in the world will have passed the point of no return – the blind stupidity and greed of the nasty little monkey that fell out of the trees in the Rift valley x number of years ago knows no bounds

  4. Of course we all know what is meant by “The Spanish”. It means “some of the Spanish, not the ones who agree with the law”.

    And there are many Spanish people who agree with the law. But that would be too subtle, or inconvenient, for some people.

    The same goes for the use of the word “politicians”.Yes, there are councillors who are “just trying to grab a couple of short-term votes”. However, there are also councillors who can see past the ends of their noses and have ethical principles.

  5. Sure Tony, but not sure we needed to be told this since it is pretty obvious and we are talking about a Spanish law, in Spain, where Spanish people live, lol. Equally, when Stuart said “Now the Spanish/French and Dutch…” he did not mean every Spanish, French and Dutch person, in existence, obviously.

    The idea of “exceptions” to the fishing law really is daft, and could only really come from the brain of a Spanish politician.

  6. @Tony “However, there are also councillors who can see past the ends of their noses and have ethical principles.” Of course there are. Their numbers easily demonstrated by the corresponding number of doughty incorruptible whistle-blowers in every ayuntamiento and municipality, at every level of local, regional and higher government touched by the scandal of corruption. Labouring, unappreciated, unlauded and unaware in the Años Buenas. Legions lining the corridors of power shining the light of Honesty into the darkest corners. Exposing and castigating the corrupted that taint their noble profession.
    Getting a bit hazy? Can’t picture them?
    Funny that.

  7. Good to see all correspondents in more-or-less agreement. Successful fishing depends on fish stocks. Greedy fishermen really couldn’t care less about stocks – if they fail there’s always Government handouts.
    The EU restrictions MUST be adhered to, to prevent disaster for our children and grandchildren.
    The needs of future generations transcends that of greedy fishermen of today.

  8. Ben, I agree that was the case in the past. But times have changed.

    Just imagine that you had been elected as a new councillor in May 2011. You have read the newspapers, watched TV and listened to the radio. You have heard about the various prosecutions against councillors for alleged corruption that are pending, or have resulted in imprisonment.

    So has the local leader of your political party who is well aware of the potential electoral damage. That is partly what happened in Ronda over Los Merinos. PSOE suffered a a consequence.

    So you ask yourself what is a good way of getting yourself on the front page of the newspaper. And if is there a bad way of getting the same result.

    If that councillor has any sense at all, s/he would avoid any taint of corruption even if they were tempted to go down that road.

  9. Tony.
    I applaud your optimism but time will tell.
    In the meantime why not have a look at Reporters Without Borders Free press index and Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions index 2012 etc. Are there any lower rated European countries than Spain? You might notice a correlation between the two tables and the current dire straits of those economies. Then factor in the latest news that our schools aren’t up to the job, or the judiciary and other civil servants refusing to do theirs unless they get paid for months that don’t exist and the future looks pretty bleak. And then there’s the unemployment.
    Meanwhile I’ll try to work out how so many corrupt politicians were able to work for so long in so many offices amongst their innocently oblivious colleagues without anyone noticing anything untoward. Until they had to.
    It’s hasn’t been any one party, group or office. Corruption has proved to be systemic, endemic and chronic. It is bringing Spain to it’s knees and until the system changes, root and branch, then nothing else will.

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