5 Nov, 2012 @ 13:00
1 min read

Queen Sofia sues online dating site for mock-up ad campaign

Queen sofia of spain

THE Queen of Spain is suing an online dating site which used her photograph in a controversial ad campaign.

Queen Sofia is taking legal action against American website Ashley Madison, which encourages extra-marital affairs, for ‘damage to her honour and dignity’.

The company used a Photoshopped image of the Queen with her arms wrapped around a semi-naked young man.

In what is thought to be a reference to infidelity rumours surrounding her husband King Juan Carlos, the advert also featured the slogan: ‘Now you no longer have to spend the night alone’.

Last year the same firm used a picture of the King with two scantily-clad models, with the slogan: ‘The best place to ‘hunt’ for an adventure’.


  1. This is a typical of the sensationalist press ‘stories’ Ashley Madison spew out. They are as fake as the majority of female profiles on their website and the countless messages the company sends from them, designed to entice gullible men into paying AM’s exorbitant fees. What‘s surprising is that an equally gullible media still falls for such trash, rather than doing a little real journalism to expose the company’s malpracitces. Successful competitor websites such as Undercover Lovers and Gleeden, who do not engage in such practices, prove that it is not necessary and is merely evidence of AM’s greed.

  2. Personally I think the Queen would be far better advised to ignore this worthless company than to give them the oxygen of publicity-which is just what they want.

  3. Steve – I disagree. I’d recommend she SUE them for all they are worth. Since the Royal Family is inviolate in Spain, this PUBLIC damage to the Queen’s Honor and Dignity is most damaging to her. The Suit and Compensation may help stop this type of harm to individuals carried out PUBLICLY by fools.
    The Suit may give them “publicity” but they will PAY dearly.

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