26 Oct, 2012 @ 09:19
1 min read

The rain in Spain…

rain spain

UNBEKNOWNST to many, it actually does rain in Spain sometimes.

Granted, it doesn’t happen very often, at least not in the south anyway. This week in Granada and presumably most other reaches of southern Spain, however, has proven to be one of those rare occasions. Normality will, no doubt, resume sooner or later, but presently, it is absolutely p**sing it down.

The effects of such an unrelenting downpour on unsuspecting Spaniards are often excessive:

Exhibit A) Rain starts as pressed for time English Teacher, iPod in, head down, hands in pockets and yet to register the barely noticeable pitter-pattering descending from above, is hurriedly walking to work. Man in front, upon sensing first drops, stops dead in tracks and holds out both hands either side of him, palms facing up, to confirm what he thinks he has just felt. Unaware English Teacher awkwardly crashes into back of man in front, but still apologises.

“It’s raining!”, man in front exclaims.

This would not happen in Britain, thinks English Teacher as he offers a feigned smile (except for the apology of course).

Exhibit B) English Teacher arrives at work, spends forty-five minutes planning the perfect lesson, ripe with rain-themed song exercises with useful ‘rain’ words and fun-filled games, only to find that just two of a possible ten students have bothered to turn up.

“It’s raining!”, exclaims one of the students when asked why he thinks this is.

English Teacher decides to save ‘rain’ lesson for another rainy day.

Exhibit C) Soaked-to-the-bone English Teacher finally makes it home after a twenty-minute squelch along the river-bed that was once a pavement, and is thankful to be able to remove his sodden socks from his numbed feet. English Teacher doesn’t care though, because tonight he and his friends are going to his favourite club to listen to his favourite type of music; a rare opportunity in Granada.

Twenty minutes later, English Teacher receives text message from Spanish friend saying “Staying in tonight. It’s raining”. Incensed English Teacher responds by suggesting it’ll be raining more than just rain (though he is not sure what this means he feels it successfully conveys that he is angry) if they don’t go but Spanish friend is unmoved by threat (that he later confirmed was indeed unclear). English Teacher is less than impressed when Spanish friend later jokes that they should take a rain check – an expression taught to Spanish friend by English Teacher.

Next day, English Teacher spends afternoon sipping pints of lager with other expats in Irish Bar, lamenting the turn of events the night before.

“Playing football tomorrow? It’s supposed to be nice”, one expat chirps.

“How nice?”, inquires English Teacher.

“Oh, well, around 26 degrees or so I expect”.

“In that case then no”, concludes English Teacher. “It’ll be too hot”.

Josh Taylor

Not unlike most other OP bloggers, I imagine, I am an earnest British expat who threw in the towel on grey skies, overcrowded cities and insufferable cuisine, plumping instead for a life in the south of sunny old Spain. I spend most of my time teaching English, learning Spanish, getting Spanish wrong, exploring my adopted homeland and writing about it all on my blog, and now this one too!


  1. Collins World English Dictionary

    rain check — n
    1. (US), (Canadian) a ticket stub for a baseball or other game that allows readmission on a future date if the event is cancelled because of rain
    2. the deferral of acceptance of an offer, esp a voucher issued to a customer wishing to purchase a sale item that is temporarily out of stock, enabling him or her to buy it at the special price when next the item is available
    3. informal take a rain check to accept the postponement of an offer

  2. ..no – ‘check’ as in US spelling. Started as an expression in baseball where patrons were given vouchers for games that were rained off – Chicago originally if I recall – Wrigley’s Field.

  3. Last year it rained almost solidly for five months in Andalucia, from November to May (with the worst rainfall in May). Spain is a very rainy country and that’s not even mentioning the North of the country. Not a lot of people know that.

  4. Nice blog. My daughter has just returned from Seville today. Weather in that part not so good this week, supposed to be better next week. Just her luck. However she had a lovely time nonetheless. Back to blighty and possible snow!

  5. At least you’re guaranteed a great long summer EVERY YEAR! Where do tans come from living in Spain then… the RAIN? Don’t live near Fred I say! haha. One miserable ****!

  6. People don’t generally get tans in Galicia, Dave. You need to get out more lol. Just telling you the facts. And I didn’t say it rained all year, did I?

    Oh look, another weather alert for Andalucia.

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