19 Sep, 2012 @ 15:39
1 min read

Barcelona FC demands all-female flight crew

Turkish Airlines Barcelona e

PLAYERS from Barcelona Football Club have demanded an all-female cabin crew on flights to games.

The team insists that Turkish Airlines, who also sponsor the club, provide only female flight staff as they do not bother the players as much while travelling to matches.

Turkey’s Hurriyet Daily News reports club officials have complained that men aboard the aircraft are constantly hassling players for autographs and pictures while they are preparing for the game.

Turkish Airlines, who paid over €7.5 million to become the team’s official airline, has accepted the request and has agreed to hand pick flight staff from now on.

1 Comment

  1. Great idea! I’d recommend they choose: Angela Merkle, Ann Widicomb, Dutchess of Alba, Lassie The Wonder Dog, etc.
    All should be fully body-covered & NO alcoholic drinks served
    Are these guys overpaid jokers or WHAT?!

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