A RECENT survey has revealed how Spaniards’ feel towards social institutions such as the government, the banks and the press.
Metroscopia, the organisation which carried out the survey, has found that Spanish confidence in the press, scientists and the police have increased while the banks, political parties and bishops have encountered more disapproval compared with last year.
54 per cent of Spaniards approve of journalists, 83 per cent of the police and 90 per cent of scientists.
Public opinion of the Press is on a par with that of the King of whom 56 per cent of Spaniards approve.
On the other end of the scale, only 9 per cent of the public currently approve of the political parties in Spain, 16 per cent of the bishops and 11 per cent of the banks.
According to Metroscopia, 64 per cent of Spaniards are in favour of letting the banks which had a hand in the economic crisis go bust.