8 Jul, 2012 @ 08:59
1 min read

Richard Branson’s ‘weedy’ good idea for Spain

richard branson says spain can solve problems by legalising cannabis

SIR Richard Branson claims the best way for Spain to solve its economic problems is by legalising cannabis.

The 61-year-old Virgin boss said tax from sales of the drug would ‘help the country get back on its feet’.

The billionaire tycoon also praised the Spanish town of Rasquera’s ‘great idea’ after it rented out public land to a cannabis growers’ association, as reported in the Olive Press.

Branson was in Spain to accept the Cannabis Culture Award 2012 on behalf of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, of which he is a member.

The commission – which counts former United Nations secretary general Kofi Annan among its members – wants to decriminalise drug use ‘for people who do no harm to others’.

Branson attended the launch of the world’s largest cannabis museum in Barcelona, which features 6,000 exhibits chronicling the drug’s history and uses.

Earlier this year the Briton claimed to have jokingly asked US President Barack Obama if he could have a spliff while attending a state dinner at the White House.

Wendy Williams

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  1. The US sponsored “War on Drugs” is just one of many fundamental policy issues that the USA has got terribly wrong in the last 30 years.

    Richard Branson is to be applauded for his bravery in speaking out against this cruel and divisive law.

  2. Alcohol is actually the most dangerous drug by a considerable margin.

    How does the illegality of drugs have anything to do with people dying of drug abuse?

    People don’t die of “drug addiction” anyway…

    What making drugs legal would do is prevent the massive flows of money to criminal gangs who use the profits to smuggle people and weapons.

    It would also prevent large numbers of people being jailed for possession, reduce the size and expense of the police, the legal system and the prison system and also contribute significant sums to state revenue, some of which could be used to treat the medical problem of addiction, which would doubtless save lives.

  3. NEVER trust a man with a beard………..
    Osama bin Laden
    Gerry Adams
    David Blunkett
    Fidel Castro
    Dr.Harold Shipman
    Mariano Rajoy ?

    Margaret Thatcher was right……no beard was allowed inside Downing Street during her time.
    Spain might be on its uppers,but it can do better than scrape the barrel with advice from this rich bearded adolescent……….

  4. Oh good, the thoughtful OP reader is here!

    I’m no fan of the beard myself but in the spirit of honesty, how about Sophocles, Leonardo da Vinci, William Shakespeare, Abraham Lincoln, Ernest Hemingway, Vincent van Gogh, George Bernard Shaw, David Bellamy, Allen Ginsberg, Charles Darwin, Alan Moore?

    Spain might or might not be on its uppers but it can certainly do better than listen to the wilfully uninformed…

  5. Dear Christopher,
    You left Jesus Christ out of your list…….
    The Turin Shroud image clearly shows a beard……
    Not yet infallible,of course,
    but if proved………time to switch my religion …..

    big hugs,

  6. anyone who thinks weed is a gateway drug hasn’t done their homework. they are just blindly following the rhetoric spoon-fed to them by the government and government-controlled media. try a google search.

  7. Pg. – Of cannabis is a gateway drug then that means , using your logic that . Water is a gate way to alcohol . Tobacco is a gateway to cannabis . Getting an injection at the doctors is a gate way to injecting yourself with heroin . Can you now see how stupid you sound by using the word gateway ?

  8. I’ll put it a better , imagine you have kids and they choose to use cannabis which they probably will no matter how innocent you think they are . Would you rather have your kids buying contaminated drugs from a dealer mixed with things like . Cannabis resin for example – used car engine oil , plastic , show polish , pain killers , dog poo , human poo to mention a few have been found in resin . Now cannabis buds from the plant – they have glass and silicone sprinkled on them while growing so the plant grows around it and adds more weight when sold by the gram . Now imagine a legal regulated system – no contaminated drugs safe and easy access with professional advice on safe use . Councillors on hand if you need someone to talk to on quitting drugs or help cutting down . And your kids will be turned down at the door for to buy drugs if they can’t prove they are over 18 or 21 but will still be able to talk to a professional and get professional advice . Now you go find a drug dealer and ask him what I’d he asks for what lab tests he performs on his drugs to make sure they are safe and what professional advice he offers if you want to quit . I’ll give you the answers before you find one . ID = a £ 10 note , lab tests = none , professional advice = none , if you tell a dealer you want to quit and cost him money = he offers you a harder drug like cocaine , crack or heroin to get you addicted so you have no choice but to keep coming back and giving him cash . Yea prohibition and throwing people in jail is really the way forward , NOT ! Wise up please PG !

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