20 Jun, 2012 @ 13:04
1 min read

Speed limit on Spanish B roads to be reduced to 90 km/h

THE speed limit on Spanish B roads is to be reduced from 100 km per hour to 90.

Spanish Interior Minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz said 80 per cent of accidents occur on B roads, highlighting the ‘direct link between the speed limit and the number of accidents’.

Other measures to be introduced nationwide include installing adjustable speed signs on motorways, that are changed according to weather conditions.

These signs are already being used successfully in Barcelona.

Plans to increase the speed limit on Spain’s motorways from 120 km/h to 130 km/h are still being discussed.

Eloise Horsfield

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  1. It’s stupid to blame speed for accidents. Teach people to drive properly and then there would be far fewer incidents. Just look at the way they teach people in Ronda, 3 or 4 pupils per car, windows down, tutor busy on the ‘phone, learners being allowed to amble along at half the speed limit … is it any wonder the Spanish are such bad drivers?

  2. Anna: Of course speed is a huge factor in accidents. The faster a car hits you, the more sure you are to die. The faster a car travels, the quicker ones reactions need to be. Rubbish driving instruction doesn’t help, granted, but moving too quickly will always exacerbate any collision.

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