7 Jun, 2012 @ 13:43
1 min read

Volvo self-drive technology hits top gear in Spain

READING magazines, catching up on emails or enjoying a leisurely lunch could soon become possible while at the wheel, following a successful test of self-drive vehicles in Spain.

A convoy of three cars and a lorry followed a truck driven by a human along a 124-mile stretch of motorway in normal traffic, a world first according to car manufacturer Volvo.

The vehicles travelled at 53mph with a gap of just 6 metres between them, using a wireless network of cameras, radar and laser sensors to ‘mimic’ the leader.

The test – carried out on a public road near Barcelona – is part of an EU research project to improve traffic safety and reduce environmental impact.

“It is quite funny to see the passing vehicles. They were quite surprised seeing me not driving the car but reading a magazine,” project manager Linda Wahlstrom said.

“People think that autonomous driving is science fiction, but the fact is that the technology is already here.

“From the purely conceptual viewpoint, it works fine and the road train will be around in one form or another in the future,” she added.

James Bryce

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  1. Volvo – or is it now part of GM? Really one of the most STUPID ideas I’ve heard of! Something goes wrong with the electronics (it SOMEtimes happens!) a person gets killed as a result & the firm goes BUST. This is almost a DUMB as my Ex-Wife who hopped into the new family car with Automatic transmission – put it in DRIVE, and folded her arms across her chest – until the crash! She claimed – car was advertisied as an AUTOMATIC! this silly lady with a GOOD Lawyer, got about $300,000 Settlement & no one died, thank God.
    Besides, if recent police acts show them FINING drivers for use of Mobil tels, navigation systems, changing CDs – even smoking – does someone even THINK this auto drive system will “fly”?? Get real.

  2. kinda reminds me of when the Neanderthals came out with Advanced Bear bashing clubs just to keep the tradition alive ……. didn’t last long btw

    and BoS maybe you should worry about what class of woman would actually get married to you.

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