8 May, 2012 @ 09:32
1 min read

Rugby sponsor lottery!

AXARQUIA Rugby Club, based in Velez-Malaga, has announced an exciting way of raising finance for the club.

They have decided to enter every advertiser and supporter into a raffle for the opportunity to have their company or business name or logo on their shirts for the forthcoming 2012-2013 rugby season.

With regular coverage of their matches in the English and Spanish press of the matches this is a fantastic opportunity for business promotion, as well as supporting a great local sporting club.

Each advertising package is to be sold for 100 euros and that entitles every buyer to advertising for a full year with a banner on the new website – www.rugbyaxarquia.es, includes coverage on the billboards at each game or event, and also a logo on every promotional poster printed.

However, the extra bonus is that every buyer will be entered into a draw for the privilege of having their company name or logo on the shirts of the rugby teams for the 2012/2013 season.

The number of entries will be limited to 100, thus giving a great chance to all those that enter – first prize will be the right for the prime position on the front of the shirt (normally worth 2,500 euros), second prize on the upper back (1,500 euros), third prize on the lower back (1,500 euros) and fourth prize on the arm (500 euros).

The draw will be supervised by a registered Notary.

Please contact Dani (President) on 669 899 064 or Michael (Technical Coach) on 669 899 064 for further details, or visit the new website www.rugbyaxarquia.com to register interest.

Training for Axarquia Rugby Club is held at the Fernando Hierro Stadium in Velez-Malaga every Tuesday and Thursday from 19.00 for the juniors and 20.30 for the seniors (all age groups welcome).

Axarquia Rugby Club

Axarquia Rugby Club play at the Fernando Hierro Stadium in Velez-Malaga. Training is every Tuesday and Thursday - 19.00 for the Juniors and 20.30 for the seniors. Contact Michael Reeve on 669899064 for details on joining the club or forthcoming fixtures.

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