11 Apr, 2012 @ 12:00
1 min read

An oasis in a toxic world

By Eloise Horsfield

SHE can’t use paper or normal shampoo, and going near any electrical appliances could kill her.

Spaniard Jennyfer Sausa suffers from an extreme case of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), a medical condition whose victims are highly intolerant to any unnatural substances – making a normal life nigh-on impossible.

Forced to live with her mother in the middle of a desert in Arizona, the 27-year-old’s life could not be more different from that of her friends back home in Valladolid.

She is the youngest member of a desert community where 60 people with MCS have gathered to live due to the cleanliness of the air.

All the houses in her remote village, near Snowflake, are made from entirely natural materials – and one 30-year-old man even roams naked due to an allergy to clothes.

Due to serious allergies, Jennyfer needs constant health checks to ensure she has not risked her own life by doing something most people consider perfectly normal, like walking on a carpet or drinking from a plastic bottle.

And while living in Arizona has improved her health, sadly Jennyfer will never be able to leave this protective bubble and return to a normal life in Spain.

James Bryce

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  1. This is very sad but there is hope. I also was very ill with environmental illness. I live a normal life and will be traveling internationally . Please, contact me for more information. It has been quite a journey but I am free. I would like to share my story and help others . Thank you. Irene

  2. I have been recently diagniosed with mcs.Besides avoidance I’m still in search of ways 2 better my tolerence.I have been going to local pool house where they have steam room and saunas but not often enough.Unfortanatly other women after showering throw pounds of baby powder and perfume on.After years of not knowing what was happening 2 me I self diagnoised myself and now have a doctor who at least believes me and has some knowledge of enviormental illness.It would b great 2 hear from u 4 I feel really alone with this disease.I am a 53yr female thank you

  3. Irene- what did you do? I recently removed fluoride from my water and that might be a huge piece of the puzzle for me. My exposure to VOCs which caused my MCS caused a reaction to fluoride.

  4. I really feel for Jennyfer. I to have MCS. I have been having it for years. I did not think that there was anybody else near where I live with MCS. But I have been finding people who either are just bothered by perfumes and some actually have MCS. Where we live, which is in Louisiana, they spray for mosquitos. The first time I noticed it, which was a couple a years ago in the evening, within 30 minutes I was having reactions. If my husband and I along with our daughter could get something to live in, in Snowflake,Arizona, it would be great. Or if there happens to be another place somewhere that is safe that does not use chemicals or fragrances, that would be great. I will check out that website Jodie, thank you.

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