8 Mar, 2012 @ 15:26
1 min read

Emergency op for Maurice Boland

By Wendy Williams

RADIO DJ Maurice Boland has thanked his fans for support after he was rushed to hospital for emergency treatment.

The DJ, who launched his own station iTalk last year, suffered an infection in the lower colon, but is now back home and on the road to recovery.

“It was great to get such an extraordinary amount of messages of support,” he told the Olive Press.

“It got me thinking about how many expats are in hospital without anyone to visit them.

“I’ve set myself a mission to get volunteers to visit sick expats in hospital.”

Eloise Horsfield

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  1. Such playground observations!Now that you have all excelled yourselves at kicking someone who was in a hospital bed why dont you see if you can find it in you to visit some lonely patients who would really appreciate it. If you cant find it in you then why not book yourself in for some colonic irrigation? You will all feel better for it I,m sure.

  2. MoBo is perfectly capable of laying himself low without my admittedly expert intervention, Barry. How do you know about what I do for charity in my spare time? Maybe it’s because I don’t keep banging on about it.

  3. Paellataffy!You seem to imply that you actually put him hospital with your “expert intervention” so I had better watch it! As for Mobo “banging on about it” he is,after all,in the publicity business and we all know that his relationship with modesty is not a good one! However,it seems to work…..heck,we are talking about him now! I better sign orft…..

  4. Well Louie lou,thats a classic chicken and egg situation I would say! You have amply demonstrated that you can dish it out but cant take any incoming eh? Seems you have not been overly blessed in the personality dept yourself! Simples…..

  5. Louie lou,I will end my dialogue with you by saying how saddened I am that you would wish such an illness on anyone.Let alone someone,whether you like him or not,who has done so much to help fight the scourge of cancer.When I saw your post I spoke to Maurice in case he had seen it.You know what? He thought about it and said that he really hopes that whatever is troubling you goes away. I was most impressed. I hope so too Louie Lou,sincerely,best wishes.Barry

  6. mobo always comes out with ideas(or steals them) he just gets other people to carry them out and grab the glory…and mitch!!!!!!!!!! you have really changed your tune from a few years ago!!!

  7. I see it’s gloat at the suffering of a celebrity week on the costa del sol. Amazing. I would have thought the sun and fun would have allowed you to leave this crud behind in Blighty but maybe you lot caused it here as well? Mobo is one of the few genuine characters on the Costa. He works hard and he’s good at his job. Anyone who can’t see past the blarney should avoid looking as jealous as most of the detractors in these comments. Talk about trollists!

  8. That Boland is described as a celebrity speaks volumes about how the Costa has crumbled….Blackpool is like Monte Carlo in comparison!!! ….. (actually come to think of it, Blackpool does at least have some proper celebrities !)

  9. HERES AN UPDATE on this new project of maurice boland,-nothing he is too busy doing charity performances in marbella in fact it has reached a stage of charity faitgue, what is this ,it,s where everybody is fed up of charity events to many (specialy from maurice boland).
    TRE radio is not doing the telethon this year due to charity faitgue (CREATED BY MB)
    It is for you maurice a golden oppituinity to do the telethon on italk fm your mountain of listeners will donate and purchase so off you go show them all how it,s done EH ?

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