28 Jan, 2012 @ 09:00
1 min read

Got talent, Olive Press kids?

ARE you a junior wordsmith? Can you already turn a phrase?

Well the Olive Press is looking for the best young writers for an exciting new project we are launching.

From our next issue on Febuary 9 we will be publishing a new section just for kids.

The monthly supplement will be full of news stories geared towards young expats living in Spain and will feature a range of columns, articles and fun items, many provided by YOU.

Whether you want to air your views, write about a certain subject, or expose a flaw in the education system, we want to hear from you.

This is about giving you – the kids – a voice!

We are looking for the most exciting, off-beat and interesting stories around the region, as well as creative writing and artwork. And to kick it off, we are launching a writing competition (see below) in two categories.

So get writing!


THE Olive Press is offering a string of exciting prizes, including book tokens and flights, for our inaugural writing comp for kids.
Split into two categories ‘Under 11s’ (300 words max) and ‘11 to 16-year-olds’ (500 words max) we want an article on any aspect of Andalucia you choose.
Please send your offerings to newsdesk@theolivepress.es under the catchline ‘Junior Comp’. Deadline Feb 20. The winners will be run in the section and chosen in March.

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