21 Nov, 2011 @ 10:00
1 min read

Bite back in Spain

EXCLUSIVE by James Bryce

A FURIOUS expat hauled off a flight by police over an unpaid dental bill is suing the dentist for making false accusations.

Bjorn Limbourg, 30, from Estepona, was marched off a flight from Malaga by two officers in front of stunned fellow passengers.

He was then handcuffed and questioned over allegations that he owed 500 euros.

But after being interrogated for five hours, the bartender – originally from Belgium – was released without charge, with police claiming that it was a civil matter.

Limbourg insists the bill has been paid and is now taking legal action against the Marbella-based dentist for making false accusations.

“I’m really angry about the whole situation,” Limbourg told the Olive Press.

“The first I knew of any complaint was when the police confronted me.

“It was very humiliating to be taken off the plane in that manner,” added Limbourg, who had been heading to Thailand to find bar work for six months during the Spanish winter.

“This has cost me 800 euros on flights that I will have to re-book.

“Plus I am having to pay for a hire car because I had sold mine and am relying on friends to let me stay because I’m renting out my flat.”

Limbourg – who has lived in Spain for six years – worked in the same bar as the dentist’s girlfriend and briefly shared a flat with her.

He claims he paid dentist Dr. Sorin Cristea, of clinic Dental Marbella, via his girlfriend for a reconstruction and two fillings.

“I gave the money to her, as agreed, and she later told me that it was all sorted,” insisted Limbourg, who is demanding an apology and compensation.

When contacted by the Olive Press, Dr Cristea insisted that the bill was still outstanding.

“It is logical that you pay the clinic directly, not through a third party,” he said.

“The bill was not paid and the next thing I knew he had bought a one-way ticket to Thailand.

“The police had to release him because they said it was a civil case rather than a criminal one, not because of a lack of evidence.

“He is just making the situation worse. He hasn’t fulfilled his obligation to pay his bill and clearly has no sense of wrongdoing.”

Eloise Horsfield

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  1. …… so the police didn’t know this was a civil matter before the “dramatic” arrest ?

    Then stating that the accused has no sense of wrong doing ?

    The problem of Spain is, it consists of one whole nation of omnipotent experts ………

    I have seen clowns in my live but the wanabe tontos that run this country and sadly in every aspect of public live are so full of it (mostly excuses) while in truth just have no clue whatsoever.

  2. I wonder what the dentist told the police to manage to make them get the guy out of the plane, if police knew it were told it was just a matter of an unpaid bill, they would have told him it was a civil matter and would have not intervened. So maybe the one who has no sense of wrong doing is the dentist himself and maybe, the girlfriend?

  3. So, Anita Pepino, since you seem to be so intelligent and know everything, why do you live in such an inept country? If I were you, I would run back to perfect Britaian where everyone is so smart, and stay there! I would also watch my spelling dear, I am Spanish and think I spell english better than you…must be the fantastic education you got in the UK….

  4. ……. rule Britaiana, Britaiana ruled the world

    Señorita Monica, who says I am from Britaian ?

    I must thank you, you have helped proving my point in being a typical example of what an omnipotent expert is …….

    But seriously I do like living amongst inept natives – makes me feel so superior. Nothing beats a proper education to know where the Pepino comes from deary.

  5. Monica, don’t waste a single second with someone who evidently has no manners and has difficulties communicating with others. I am not spanish either, but have enough class, manners and education not to be disrespectful to others, especially in their own home!
    Anita, you need some mental help with your anger an frustrations, maybe a Pepino would help… lol.

  6. This sort of treatment, whereby a person is forcibly removed from a plane, is normally reserved for people threatening the safety of the aircraft or its passengers e.g. drunkards and terrorist suspects et al.

    In this case the passenger was clearly not a threat at all, so it is clearly a breach of this persons human rights, and he should now sue for damages. The dentist should also be investigated because they must have made a more serious allegation to have this person removed from the plane.

    Luis, would you like to be forcibly removed from a plane for the mistaken non-payment of a bill? No, thought not. Funny why you didn’t mention that, lol.

  7. Dr. Fred… ???? If you read again what I posted, you might realize that it´s the same thing I´m trying to say… There’s no way spanish police will do anything at all if things were really as told by The Olive Press, they are much more serious than that. So the dentist MUST have made a very serious accusation for them to remove them from the plane. Of course he should sue! I would!
    As for the way the news were told, it’s wasn’t professional at all. How come the reporter did not realize they won’t get someone out of the plane for such a reason? why wasn’t the dentist detained for false accusations? there’s something simply not right in the whole story… and why didn’t the victim say what was the real excuse they gave to get him out of the plane? Weird story…

  8. Luis, where did you get the idea that the Spanish police is much more serious than ¿ what ?

    I would bet money that the very simple truth is that the “serious” police were taking the word of a Spanish Dentist for granted – accusing a lowly not even “Dr.” foreigner ….. without ever investigating or even questioning the accusation ?

    Furthermore not even looking deeper into whether it was within their jurisdiction to act, the way they did, upon this matter ???

    You call this serious, common sense calls this:
    Abuse of power, plain stupidity, incompetence and if there is a primo connection, possibly third world amigoism

  9. DR. Girkhen, You have your expereriences and I have mine. I speak according to MINE. Hence the reason I call them serious.

    So, from my point of view and personal experiences I get to MY own conclusions. And, applying what you call “common sense” (I’d rather call it logic), I call things accordingly. Now, if we both had the same experiences and interpreted the story the same way… and then and only then, we reached the same conclusions, then we perhaps could start talking about “common sense,” since we all have the right to see things and express ourselves differently. Would’t you agree?

    You claim to be in possesion of the truth and “common sense”, but what is that “common sense” got to do here?

  10. Luis – common sense in this case is 2+2=4 not 3 not 22 …….

    I agree everybody has the right to see things and express himself differently.

    So from my experience I come up with a 3 and you with a 22 ….. Happy ?

  11. That’s Mathematics: a+b would be 4 if, and only if, we agreed that a=2 and b=2, then, and only then, applying “common sense” (as sound and prudent judgment based on A simple perception of the situation or facts.) and rules of mathematics we can agree that a+b=4, not 3 nor 22.

    Hence the reason why you come up with a 3 and I with a 22, because your a and b values are not the same as my a and b.


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