16 Nov, 2011 @ 13:21
1 min read

Talk back Boland

AFTER a year out of the limelight, DJ Maurice Boland is finally bouncing back with the launch of a new radio station.

The former TRE presenter – who was sacked from his previous job last September after an indiscretion – has put together a slick team for his new business iTALK FM.

At a launch for the Estepona-based radio station he told over 100 guests he was ‘delighted’ to be back.

The guests at the champagne bash at five star Kempinski Hotel included Boland’s wife Wendy, the Mayor of Estepona and a series of key Costa del Sol business figures including Kristina Szekely, Nigel Goldman and Phil Langley.

Later Boland told the Olive Press: “It’s been a stressful year, but it is great to finally get this place up and running.”

Named as one of the most influential foreigners on the coast in our Expat 100 poll, earlier this year, he added: “I have got a great team around me and couldn’t ask for more.”

His new team includes Djs Stephen Ritson, Jon Gaunt and the breakfast show pairing of Mat Court and Jack Jackson.

Based out of the Kempinski hotel, iTALK FM will initially broadcast between Gibraltar and Malaga on 88.5FM.

Wendy Williams

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  1. Absoltely delighted having Mobo back on airwaves … he is an outstanding presenter and always provides us with such interesting and enjoyable guests. Congrats Maurice !!

  2. I know I’ve been critical of the Olive Press but I must take my hat off to you, well done for supporting Maurice Boland and I hope know that you can both work together in the future. A great radio station (iTalk) a great newspaper (Olive Press). Welcome back Boland.

  3. So glad to have back the type of radio that can only be provided by a person with a wealth of experience.
    Love him or hate him, he is good at what he does. The banality of other talk radio has been challenged.

  4. Great to see Boland back and what a line up of presenters. I wish him all the very best for the future and will pop in to see the studios next time I’m in sunny Spain. Congratulations!

  5. Great to have a fresh station to listen to in Spain, really enjoying the brekky mayhem, Boland is as good as ever, Pippa is going to be excellent and the mad Irishman is as controversial as ever. Well done guys, keep it up…

  6. I agree with the above comments. italk is a breath of fresh air. Steven Ritsons return was long overdue and what the hell were TRE thinking in firing Ritchie Alan? Maurice Boland knows what he is doing. It all sounds very exciting. All the very best.

  7. Nice photo but just to let you know that I’m not part of the iTalk team. Being snapped, however, is one of the perils of turning up at most of the social functions on the coast!


  8. How can a cheap imitation of Terry Wogan be welcomed back. Are your memories so bad you have forgotten how he embarrassed his wife and family for inappropriate behaviour with a 16 year old girl he was supposed to be mentoring? Just happy is wasn’t your daughter I suppose. Soon he goes bust the better!

  9. Welcome back Maurice, you cannot keep a good man down. And your reputation for professionalism as well as courtesy on-air is unsurpassed.
    Your lovely, loyal wife has indeed turned out the be above all the nastiness that some other women are mouthing. A big jewel in your radio crown, God bless her. A woman to be respected as well as loved by you.

    “The Phoenix” has risen? It would seem so. Italk will go from strength to strength now.

  10. Amazing isn’t it? Wendy, Maurice’s wife and his children have forgiven his fall from grace so why is it that so many here are so nasty? I have met so many Brit expats here who are very unhappy and not at all the nice people they think they are. I have even been told that “All Maurice thinks about is promoting himself!” An obvious thing for someone in show-business to do and he would be stupid not to do so. PERHAPS THERE IS MUCH JEALOUSY FROM THE NASTIES? As the Bible says, beg forgiveness and it will be granted but go and sin no more. But there are not many religious people around now and it shows every day. He broke no laws except that of adultery and the young girl must bear some of the flak as all youngsters for years now that have been bombarded with easy to access pornography and general amoral standards that have not been protested against by such as the those who have no foresight, must also bear a lot of the blame. Did you all support Mary Whitehouse in her campaigns to stop the downward slide as I did, receiving many written insults by the nasty ones who were making money, as well as the rest who were too short-sighted to see the future? The girl was in full control of her actions. If all the nasties kept quiet then when the anti-porn campaigns were in action,you have also been responsible for the major problems now. Also the girl may have really loved Maurice (no laws were broken) but now it must be consigned to history so the Boland family can get on with their lives. No further comments are necessary. As a now well-known arrogant and rude presenter would say to thopse who are annoying him on air, “Get a life!”

  11. I totally agree with you Mr Deller … I once more applaud Maurice Boland for not only giving us this fantastic new radio station but also for the countless other Charities he has helped and supported. Congratulations. iTalk is fabulous !!

  12. BRIAN J DELLER YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME. PLEASE RE-READ YOU RANT. You quote the bible and say he isn’t guilty of anything….well maybe just a bit of adultary!!!
    You then say the young girl should take some of the blame…my God man listen to yourself. By the way, I am neither an ex-pat nor a Brit.

  13. Oh dear, one supporter of intolerance who hasn’t the courage to give his full name, but could it be the man who stepped into Maurices’ shoes at TRE? In which case of course we can discount his contribution as it is obviously biased, We can also ignore it as it is not signed with an identifiable source. But if it is the Steve from TRE, then we will see what happens in the next twelve months if Steve continues to insult TRE listeners and others whom he should respect, by telling them that he is the boss. I refer specifically to the phone-in a few weeks ago when a polite lady listener,(remember, Steve,listeners,these are why you currently exist: to entertain such people) when she asked quite reasonably if subjects closer to the UK and Spin could be broadcast, not abortion rates in South Africa. You may recall you proceeded to tell the poor woman who was doing you a big favour with her low cost market survey, that she was privileged to be able to phone in on air, that you decide what is to be broadcast and that she should (in true street slang betraying your origins) “Get a life”, several times! I could not believe my ears having not only managed people from the age of 19 (in the RAF) but also later I was paid a lot of money to travel the World training the export dealer managements when I was a senior manager for JCB,Earthmoving Equipt. The next day Peter Cochrane also had such a call and handled it politely and professionally but he, for some strange reason has since gone but that was a business decision no doubt. I could have used that conversation as an example in my past training courses of how to lose customers.
    Also, please read and correct your comments before you post them. Spelling mistakes and bad grammar make them difficult to understand.
    Since you mentioned it,I have two daughters and a son, the two daughters now being 48 and 46, and I also have a 23 years-old grand-daughter as well as grand-sons. My granddaughter, still living in South Africa, is fluent in Chinese as well as three other languages. I never had any problems with my daughters but then I would often talk with them giving them the benefit of my years and experience and most of all, making sure that they kept pure until they are married. Not that, as I wrote before, I blame the poor girl and her parents in the sad case in question, as they are all victims of the very amoral, immoral society we now live in (the UK)with teenagers, and older, rolling around dead drunk in the streets of many cities, but of course that must be good for the sales of alcohol. Makes you feel proud doesn’t it? To be able to look at the media reports and say I helped bring that to Britain.
    If you are not the same Steve, but someone of low motivation, I still stand by what I have written. Someone has to have the courage to tell the truth.
    Let us see what the future brings?

  14. Just found this tread via google. I heard that Maurice was now in line to make his new station the largest English language radio station in Europe, dwarfing all others; something to do with syndications I understand and influential and guess affluent business partners. Anyone else have any news?

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