28 Jun, 2011 @ 18:20
1 min read

Costa del Sol hen party with a difference

IT was a Costa del Sol hen night with a VERY big difference.

For starters, there were no ‘kiss me quick hats’, L plates or matching T-shirts, nor were there drunken antics ending – legs akimbo – on the dancefloor.

In fact, it is extremely unlikely that anyone spotted any the 400 hens who have been over for a Saudi Royal Wedding this weekend.

And even if they did, they would have mostly been wearing headscarves.

According to sources, the vast majority of hens – most of them princesses – arrived for the night in a fleet of black Mercedes.

The bride-to-be, the granddaughter of Prince Salman, Governor of Riyadh, had ensured it was a lavish affair, if at least not a public one.

She had spent a staggering 50,000 euros on landscaping and decoration alone at official Saudi Royal residence, the Al Nahda palace, in the hills above the Golden Mile.

The women are over to help celebrate the nuptials on July 2 with Talal Bin Abdulaziz Bandar.

It marks a welcome return of the Saudis to the resort that is set to provide a boost to the local economy.

Saudi royalty has been part of the Marbella glitterati since the 1970s Arab oil boom, although recent years have seen them spend more time on France’s Cote d’Azur.

More than 1,500 guests, possibly including the Spanish king, are expected to attend, with celebrations expected to last several days.

The guests have ensured that nearly all the top hotels in the popular Costa resort are fully booked for at least a week.

Wendy Williams

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  1. I hope you printing this in you newa paper.

    He leido el party que han tenido estas princesas en Andaluzia, pue verdaderamente seria mas importante que se preocuparan en mas importantes problemas por ejemplo como ayudar a los musulmanos espanoles en malaga a edificar el mosque de Malaga que compraron el terreno antes del 1998 y el ayuntamiento de malaga no da la permision para hacerlo yo como espanola viviendo en Inglaterra por 47 anos me sorprendi cuando me dijeron que no les daban la autoridad para hacer el mosque.

    He visto muchas iglesias de diferentes religiones como protestantes Evangelistas y muchas mas en fin si estas religiones tienen permiso para edificar su edificio porque a los musulmanos espanoles les empiden edificar un propio mosque o mezquita como ustedes lo llaman.

    Espero que la Royal familia de Saude the Arabia hable con la familia Royal de Espana y pida la autoridad para que dejen a los andaluces como yo nacida en Cadiz que nos dejen edificar el mosque porque verdaderamente Islam y Catolicos somos casi iguales porque rezamos a un mismo Dios con diferente nombre pero es el mismo.

    Gracis y espero si Espana es verdad que es Democracia que lo demuestren dejando a las personas libres de edificar un edificio en el nombre de Dios-Allah.

    Candelaria Rodriguez Bento.Londres.

  2. I am no lover of the Saudi royal family – nor am I particularly interested in this story. But I have to say that the editorial angle is (possibly unintentionally, to be generous)islamophobic and offensive. In the copy you suggest the women (if seen) would be would be wearing headscarves (although you provide no proof of this – nor do you actually seem to know anything about what went on in their party) – yet you illustrate the story with a presumably stock photo of women in burkahs. Presumably this is a cheap trick in order to illustrate a rather weak pun.

    The Olive Press used to impress me with decent investigative journalism that held it a cut above the rest of the English language press in Spain. Sadly you now seem to be increasingly pandering to the lowest common denominator. Shame on you.

  3. To this person he write, I can tell you i know very good about cristian religion and catolic i been educating for 12 years on the convent with nuns and when i left i never when to church any more because i wsas never believe in Jesus the son of God, now i have a aunty nun all her live and all my family the are cristians for me i change my self to islam after many years the search and study all the religions on the planet including protestant Buda and many more i finding the history the Spain the real one no the one they tell us on the convent the tru, then i finding islam the only prryin to one God Allah in arabe language, about the vells on the head i no wering nothing only if i going to the mosque i wering one veil like the catholics the was wering to the mass when i was small today they no wering nothing on the church, now is after the individual to wering what she whant Islam you no wering how you dress Islam is in you hath you only need to dress modest like i been dress all my life eben when i was catolic i dress modest i mean none show my brest o my legs to any one no because islam is because my self all my live i been dress modest and tha is how i continue eben today.

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