27 Jun, 2011 @ 13:53
1 min read

Wimbledon on high alert amid Spanish protest threat

By James Bryce

SECURITY at Wimbledon has been beefed up amid fears that a Spanish protest group is plotting to hijack a Rafael Nadal match.

Campaigners from 15M London were stopped at the gates while attempting to smuggle banners and tins of paint into the grounds.

The 14 protesters – all Spanish and wearing yellow T-shirts – prompted the alert, leading to a police helicopter having to be scrambled overhead.

Thousands of fans were delayed following the incident which led to the gates at the All England Club being shut for 45 minutes on Saturday.

Now bosses fear that any of Nadal’s matches (he plays today) – or those of his fellow Spaniards including David Ferrer and Feliciano Lopez – could be targeted this week.

Wimbledon boss Ian Ritchie confirmed that security had been stepped up following the incident.

“We have to be prepared for every eventuality,” he said. “We have tried to do everything we can and will continue to monitor it hour by hour.

“Who knows whether this situation goes away.”

Police confirmed that a number of people were prevented access following the searches although no arrests were made.

After the plan was rumbled 15M London’s website carried the following message: “Important: don’t go to Wimbledon – mission aborted.”

The activists describe themselves as ‘a movement of outraged citizens’ opposed to corrupt and greedy bankers.

The group represents the London branch of the Spanish-based 15M, which has held widespread protests about high unemployment and the stagnant economy.

While thousands of protesters ended their three month stake out in Madrid last month, tens of thousands marched again ten days ago in Malaga and other Spanish cities.



James Bryce

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  1. It’s not what’s happening in Europe, Louie, it’s what is happening in Spain. The combination of Spain’s unemployment levels, its mad political and legal system and its stagnated economy are pretty much unique to it within Europe. As for fighting for their rights, people within Spain are doing that very well (as are expat property owners who are victims of Spain’s disgraceful property injustices).

    Unfortunately, what demonstrators do not realise, and I am very sympathetic to them on this, is that coming up with alternatives to this mess are not easy, indeed there actually is no solution to it. All of it stems from the monetary system that we have in place. It will never change, until that fundamental system is itself changed. Alas, capitalism is like a mirror image of the human being. Greed, power, survival, haves and have nots, the minority owning the majority and the minority consuming the most – it’s all at the crux of the problem. Even the demonstrators had a hard time knowing what issues to tackle, and they even had to have a vote about whether they should have a vote or not! lol

    But never mind, that enormous asteroid that’s coming on November 8th might actually hit us, and then if anyone survives we can all start again. Only at the edge of extinction will we change. NASA have already given their employees and their families a “family preparedness” alert, or did you miss that?

  2. I am fully supportive of the people of Spain whether expat, or Spanish . This government have systematically destroyed the country , the moral of the people and the economy. All praise and credit to the protesters I wish you success.

    heres an alternative Fred , an admittance of the mess by the people who put us in it a open and straightforward government who LISTEN to the people who voted them in, a willingness and example set by government regarding cost cutting , a dissolution of the regional and local governments who history tells us simply take from the pot.
    A correct and speedy legal judicary that functions with regard for all parties and properly paid judges who dont need to moonlight in other proffesions to survive. A police force that also is paid in accordance with living costs.
    The end of the scratch my back system in Spain and a return to a we are all on one team working together for a better future for our children system.
    I feel the future of my adopted country is in jeopardy and the time for standing up to be counted has arrived asteriod or not … and for reference if the americans told me it was tuesday i would need to buy a newspaper to check …. its proably a cover story for the next oil rich country they intend to bomb to buggary !!!!!!

  3. Louie Louie, oh baby
    You gotta go

    You want and I dare quote you :
    (copy/paste thats why your spelling mistakes are still all there ….)

    “……… an admittance of the mess by the people who put us in it
    a open and straightforward government who LISTEN to the people who voted them in,
    a willingness and example set by government regarding cost cutting ,
    a dissolution of the regional and local governments who history tells us simply take from the pot.
    A correct and speedy legal judicary that functions with regard for all parties and
    properly paid judges who dont need to moonlight in other proffesions to survive.
    A police force that also is paid in accordance with living costs.
    The end of the scratch my back system in Spain and
    a return to a we are all on one team working together for a better future for our children system”

    Louie Louie, oh baby
    You gotta stop dreaming
    and go to the good ol US of A

  4. actually its louie lou not louie louie and having been many times in the USA (in the vain hope of improvement, Americas not mine I hasten to add) I decided to remain in Europe where we have art , culture, freedom of speech and a free press ……. what did the USA give the world apart from a bloody hot dog !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Pardona me, mon cher Maitre de Culture LouieLou, but I must hasten to add and inform you that the Blutige Heisse Hund is of Germanic Origin……. of course the barbaric Americans had to add Ketchup – Ufff Disgusting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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