THE PP, PA and Green Party in Alcaucin have come together to block the PSOE party and cut ties with the former mayor accused of corruption.
Former mayor José Manuel Martín Alba was arrested two years ago at the centre of the caso Arcos urban corruption scandal.
He was later expelled from PSOE but following their latest victory in the polls he reemerged to offer support to his former party.
Now the three rival parties have signed an agreement giving them a combined overall majority in the town taking the reigns away from PSOE which had hoped to form an alliance with the Greens.
“Whoever was responsible for the problems cannot be part of the solution. Neither PSOE nor PITA are the options that the residents of Alcaucin deserve,” said Francisco Oblaré the vice secretary of the PP in Malaga in support of the new alliance.
Domingo Lozano will now become mayor.
Meanwhile Ronda’s socialist mayor Antonio Marin Lara has been officially ousted.
The PP and PA yesterday signed an agreement that will see PP candidate Mari Paz Fernandez take control of the town hall.
There’s nothing wrong with him he’s the same as our hail steve rob the pensioners and give to the robbing spanish townhall.