VISITS to Gibraltar by two Spanish politicians has further upset La Linea’s mayor.
PP mayor Alejandro Sanchez was unhappy after Gibraltar’s chief minister Peter Caruana met first with La Linea’s PSOE candidate Gemma Araujo and then with Isabel Beneroso.
The pair held talks with Caruana to discuss the re-establishment of better cross-border communication between the Rock and the mainland.
The mayor has infuriated Gibraltar by attempting to introduce a toll for visitors to the Rock as well as attempts to tax telephone lines used by offshore betting companies which pass through his town.
Sanchez claims the socialist government in Madrid has sacrificed La Linea’s interests in favour of Gibraltar, in order to maintain good relations with the UK.
Alejandrito is just a 1st class pratt.
The man is a demagogue and idiot.
Alejandrito couldn’t organise a piss-up in a brewery – even if he tried. Trumped up little cacique-wannabe, full of his own importance, much like the rest of the Spanish political class…
La Linea….its like Deadwood with palm tress!
This guy’s an absolute nutcase.
Most of La Linea income comes from its association with Gibraltar yet entrepreneurs opening good quality businesses are forced to shut down because of smugglers and violence if they don’t pay protection money!
This is directly linked to the Town Hall.
The Gibraltar air terminal will be completed while palnning to renew drain pipes that were needed twenty years ago but will now not be needed just to scrape soome more cash out of the EU coffers.
La Linea is akin to Mexico with tarmac (with respect to Mexico).
Its the result of decentralised politics. This giuy spends his days moaning about Gibraltar and Madrid yet his own people and his own town is a dirty, filthy derelict place with no infrastructural investment…where has the money gone? To sum it up, a vistitor arriving at the new terminal in Gibraltar will enter the Spanish border into La Linea and be presented with a huge bill board advertising a whore house and a sex shop. Nice place eh?
La Linea has tarmac?
Yes, there’s got to be somewhere for the pot-holes…
“…a huge bill board advertising a whore house”
or “Bienvanidos a La Linea” as it translates in Spanish.