20 Apr, 2011 @ 13:00
1 min read

Fugitive benefit cheat at large on the Costa del Sol

beat the cheats

EXCLUSIVE By James Bryce

A BRITISH fugitive wanted by police for massive benefit fraud and forgery is living large in Mijas Costa.

A number of concerned readers have been in touch after the authorities failed to pick him up. The Olive Press is now working with Scotland Yard in a new bid to have Robert Brennan, 67, arrested.

The Scouser was also being sought for sex offences, although one case involving a juvenile has recently been dropped.

A spokesman for the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) said last night, it would “still be great to track down Brennan who is awaiting sentencing for fraud.”

Brennan fled to Spain in late 2008 after being convicted of a 130,000 euro benefit fraud.

He pleaded guilty at Liverpool Crown Court to seven charges of council tax, housing benefit and jobseeker’s allowance fraud.

He had cleverly forged the signature of his brother, who had, in fact, lived in Germany for over 30 years.

But his subsequent disappearance prompted police to seek an international arrest warrant in April 2009.

The following month, it was reported that Brennan was also facing a string of sex offences dating back to the 1990s.

The Liverpool Echo said he was charged with 20 allegations of child sex abuse. However, Merseyside Police confirmed this week that the sex abuse charges have since been dropped.

A spokesman confirmed: “Following a three-year investigation into allegations of sex offences, the Force has been advised the case should be discontinued.”

The spokesman was unable to confirm the reasons why the case had collapsed.

However, she added: “We still want him for benefit fraud and forgery.”

Wendy Williams

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  1. oh really …. benefit fraudsters in spain …. theres hundereds of them on sick benefit , ema, family allowance the lot .why do you think there is a benefit fraud hotline … bloody thing must be ringing of the hook.

  2. Gresham ,regarding your comment about “Scousers on benefit fraud” I take great offence & for all the other decent “Scoucers” who may have read this ,please refrain from making such sweeping statements.

  3. Gresham, your comment betrays your ignorance and bigotry. Most people recognise racism in that way. But you do exactly the same as the racists. You stereotype a large group of people in a demeaning and insulting manner. Would you DARE say the same about – say Jamaicans or another black skinned group of people? You are exactly the same as a racist- except on a regional level….a regionalist? Think about it – if you are capable of thinking!

  4. Gresham, as you’re obviously so lonely and sad, I’d love to introduce you to a few of my Scouser friends. You could tell them some of your witty little ‘jokes’ – right to their faces. That would be one very quick way out of your miserable and frustrated existence!!

  5. You’ll love these two:

    Q: What’s the first question at a Liverpool pub quiz night ?
    A: What are you looking at?

    Q: What do you call a scouser in a White Shellsuit ?
    A: The Bride

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