12 Dec, 2010 @ 18:20
1 min read

Thanks for Giving!

THE wonderful American holiday of eating too much food and then watching football until you pass out happened over two weeks ago, yet we are still pulling random Tupperware containers full of leftovers out of the fridge. It’s amazing how those green beans can stow away in the depths of that ice box.

Far away from home on this uniquely American holiday, it was decided that a thanksgiving dinner would be recreated in the warmth of our cozy Sevillian apartment. It was a pot luck dinner and we, being the hosts, were in charge and bringing the bird.

On Thanksgiving you need to have a turkey in the middle of your table or else the whole holiday is defunct. Well, whole turkey carcasses wrapped in plastic were a prize possession on “Supermarket Sweep,” a classic game show from the early 90s, but here in Spain respect for roast turkey isn’t as prominent.

I’m no scientist, but I think the lack of turkeys in Spanish supermarkets may coincide with the scarcity of wild turkeys in Europe. Turkeys like to hang out in North America and prefer to be oven roasted in… North America! They’re so fussy, next they are going to want a special diet and massages before their dooms day like their cousins the Kobe Beef brothers.

Since prepackaged turkey breasts which can indeed be found here are not the same as roasting a bird, we opted for a whole chicken. Not your conventional Thanksgiving; we replaced the traditional corn and cranberry sauce with two British girls. Wait, that didn’t come out right. We didn’t eat the Brits, but they were present; adding Barbecue chicken to the menu. Delish!

Apple crisp did in fact make an appearance, but keeping in line with the tradition of biting the hand the feeds you (read: genocide of Native Americans after they taught “us” how to farm) we waited until our generous guests were gone to feast on dessert. This wasn’t intentional though.

We were so stuffed (like a turkey?) after eating, that we didn’t break the crust of the apple crisp until the following day.

Black Friday apple crisp dinner?

Don’t mind if I do!

Caitlyn Slivinski

How did I end up in Spain? I bought a plane ticket.
I've always had a special connection to Spain. I attribute it to my parents' visit to this country when they were 8 months pregnant with me. I got a taste of Spanish rhythm and I was hooked. But I didn't know The Half of It. Now I'm living it, I'm enveloped in the culture. It's as if this was always meant to be; like Spain and I were destined to happen.

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