22 Sep, 2010 @ 12:50
1 min read

‘I’m stepping down,’ says Mr Marbella, DJ Maurice Boland

EXCLUSIVE By Jon Clarke and Wendy Williams

A MYSTERY incident has seen the sudden departure of ‘Mr Marbella’ Maurice Boland from his post at Talk Radio Europe (TRE).

While the radio station would only officially confirm he was “away on sick leave”, its chairman Martin Nathan did not deny that there had been an incident involving a teenage entertainer.

Irish DJ Boland – who has worked since the 1980s in Marbella, interviewing a string of famous people, including British Prime Minister David Cameron – confirmed to the Olive Press that he was “stepping down.”

Station boss Nathan told the Olive Press: “I am not at this moment prepared to make a statement regarding the rumours, but I would ask you to consider the effect this is having on the family concerned.

“I am not concerned about the adult involved, that is a different thing, but I would ask you to respect the privacy of the youngster and the family.”

He continued: “I need to talk to the family to see if they are prepared to talk to you. At the moment they are trying to come to terms with a difficult situation.”

Despite reports, he insisted that the police had not been called to the radio station on Monday, Boland’s last day.

Nor would he confirm if Boland – who is married with three children – was confronted by the family.

He said: “All I can say officially is that he is away on sick leave and will not be returning. A further statement will follow shortly.”

One of the station’s long-term presenters however, confirmed the incidents to the Olive Press, adding: “I have been called to a big meeting tommorrow.

“All I can say is that there was a huge error of judgement on Maurice’s part, but it was not illegal.

“It is all rather tragic. I have worked with him for decades, but sadly, his position there is now clearly untenable.

“I feel most sorry for the charities he worked with like Cudeca, who will be missing out from all his hard work.”

Various internet sites meanwhile ran the rumours in full.

According to a comment left by ‘Ben Hampton’ on former TRE presenter Stephen Ritson’s blog, the family turned up at the studios on Monday.

After revealing the reasons why, he wrote: “The whole thing sickens me.”

Last night Boland confirmed that he had “talked” to the family, but that wasn’t why he had left.

“I’m stepping down for personal reasons, everything else is speculative. I have talked to the family and nothing illegal has happened.”

Boland first moved from Dublin to Marbella in the 1980s. His radio talk show took off in the 1990s and since then he has interviewed hundreds of celebrities, including Cliff Richard, Jeffrey Archer and Nigel Mansell.

Jon Clarke (Publisher & Editor)

Jon Clarke is a Londoner who worked at the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday as an investigative journalist before moving to Spain in 2003 where he helped set up the Olive Press.

After studying Geography at Manchester University he fell in love with Spain during a two-year stint teaching English in Madrid.

On returning to London, he studied journalism and landed his first job at the weekly Informer newspaper in Teddington, covering hundreds of stories in areas including Hounslow, Richmond and Harrow.

This led on to work at the Sunday Telegraph, Sunday Mirror, Standard and even the Sun, before he landed his first full time job at the Daily Mail.

After a year on the Newsdesk he worked as a Showbiz correspondent covering mostly music, including the rise of the Spice Girls, the rivalry between Oasis and Blur and interviewed many famous musicians such as Joe Strummer and Ray Manzarak, as well as Peter Gabriel and Bjorn from Abba on his own private island.

After a year as the News Editor at the UK’s largest-selling magazine Now, he returned to work as an investigative journalist in Features at the Mail on Sunday.

As well as tracking down Jimi Hendrix’ sole living heir in Sweden, while there he also helped lead the initial investigation into Prince Andrew’s seedy links to Jeffrey Epstein during three trips to America.

He had dozens of exclusive stories, while his travel writing took him to Jamaica, Brazil and Belarus.

He is the author of three books; Costa Killer, Dining Secrets of Andalucia and My Search for Madeleine.

Contact jon@theolivepress.es


  1. Perhaps now we might have a chance of getting some decent presenters, the breakfast programme is deplorable since Roy went sick and as for Hannah Murray she can´t interview to save her life.
    Howard Brereton, Alan T and Peter Cochrain are fantastic.

  2. Yes, I am certain the truth will come out. If he is alleged to have had a relationship with a teenager, who he met through a talent competition he organised then he deserved to have been sacked. Isn´t this year´s competition about to begin?


    For personal and family reasons and with immediate effect,
    Maurice Boland’s connection with Talk Radio Europe has been terminated.


  4. Ha ha the old snake! He always was a condescending git so I, for one won´t be missing him
    As for Hannah´s interview techniques, I always think that when she has asked a question she seems to then drift off into ´what shall I watch on telly tonight´ mode. The interviewee answers and Hannah vaguely says ´owwwwkaaaay right´, as if she is thinking ´what the f..k is this bloke on about´. All good fun.


  5. Well I must say this is a “Big Shock” to me!
    I also believe someone is innocent “Until proven Guilty”
    I shall therefor wait for Maurice to make a statement himself, and then make my own mind up, as to any wrongdoing carried out by him.
    Good luck Maurice !

  6. I listen to TRE for many hours per day/week (mostly while driving due to our delivery/collection service) and have the chance to compare many of the station presenters. I personally find it unbelievable that anyone can criticise Hannahs interview technique. She does her research well, is warm and welcoming to any nervous interviewee (I have personal experience) and her interviews draw information from her guests. Mr Boland, as an interviwer as well as in every other aspect of his life, only wanted to talk about himself. Hannah, don’t let the critics knock your confidence. And, you critics, remember, all of this is personal preference. I love Hannahs shows, and Gilly Revel. That doesn’t mean that you have to, but why criticise so spitefully?

  7. let me get this right…. I have noted in press and on TRE that Boland has continually mentioned this girl, has included her in virtually every event he has been involved with equally been photographed with her at every event… did anyone see the recent pic in Marbella Essential? Isn´t this years talent competition about to begin? You don´t have to search the internet far until you find mention of the association between Boland and the then 13 year old Mandy Smith back in the 80´s. If they want the “gossip” to cease then parents and Boland need to issue a joint statement…

  8. Steve
    SEPTEMBER 23RD, 2010 1:00 PM
    Can anyone confirm that Maurice Boland was arrested in connection to this matter late yesterday?

    Arrested for what??? According to everything I have read there was nothing illegal going on

  9. Well, what a self-righteous bunch we are on the Costa.
    Why are so many people intent on scandalising a story that in the big scheme of things isn´t such a big deal? We are dealing with people´s lives here and I have sympathies for all parties concerned, not just the individuals but also the business organisations and charities that stand to miss out.
    TRE is nothing without Maurice. What on earth possessed the bosses to sack him with such haste? BIG MISTAKE. They´ll end up regretting it more than he does his minor indiscretion.
    If you read this Maurice, however much of a self publicist you are, it only ever worked because you had the support of your listeners and the community. You put yourself in the public eye so you´re going to be the target of negativity and detractors regardless. So stop sitting around feeling sorry for yourself, brush yourself down, issue a statement or something to clear the air and get back behind that microphone where you belong. Do it!

  10. I never liked Maurice Boland much on the radio I used to turn it off a lot of the time when he was on, but I feel sorry for Cudeca he did do a lot of good work for them. I also feel sorry for his family he was always the big “I am ” on the radio how the mighty have fallen

  11. maurice best dj the coast has got, does great unpaid work for charities down here, chin up maurice you will get through this, get max clifford on the job , need good p r now, we all get tempted sometimes, still believe your a good man

  12. sadly somebody who has done such good work should put his family and others around to such stress and sorrow over an indiscrescion and feels so little remorse. It is a pity but no doubt his arrogant nature will feel he has the right to do what he wants when it comes to self gratification. It is not him I am sorry for but for those he has hurt. I feel very sorry for his wife and family who really thought so highly of him.

  13. To think only last week he was condeming pedophiles during interviews about the catholic church. What a hypocrite.

    So sorry for the family. He is always banging on about his lovely wife Wendy and how he adores being a Granddad – well Maurice you blew it. Should have kept it zipped!

  14. Self publicist, arrogant, lacking in talent, huge ego – Maurice Boland.
    Probably the worst radio presenter on the coast.
    and now he has been caught – and about time too.

  15. Hannah is fantastic as a presenter and interviewer with great natural laugh and style. Some people can’t distinguish between a lighter-hearted ‘fun’ show and a more sedate and equally enjoyable ‘Gilly Revel’ type show.
    No offence to Mr Cochrane, but I’m afraid I tend to fall asleep after 5 minutos of that boooooooooooring intonation (great he’s on at siesta time) but if I hear him say ‘Here’s what ya do, ya do, do, do once more when he’s giving a recipe, I won’t be responsible for my actions.
    Morris? well, is anyone really surprised. I do feel sorry for the family. It’ll turn out to be a nine-day wonder and he’ll be back

  16. Well.
    what can one say, I think the best of the radio was him, the rest are a load of rubbish, and now Mat and Jack are gone, it is back to bay Radio.
    And that female , well she should look for another job, as soon as I hear her voice, the radio goes off, and so many people I know think the same. She may do better as a poll dancer.

  17. I got into a spat with him over climate change on air once, I was saddened that someone with such archaic views be allowed a position of influence, I am truely thankful he is gone.

  18. Isnt it about time that Maurice Bolan made a statement on the whole matter and put it to rest, the longer it goes on the worse it is for all of the innocent people that may be involved, I know that MB was a practising Jew and wonder how this has been received in the jewish community.

  19. Any job going on Talk Radio Europe for me?
    Love to go back now,need some dosh.
    Thanks to all my ex-Loyal listeners.
    Barry Mitchell
    (Ex-Presenter on the breakfast show)

  20. Roll on Monday morning, really looking forward to hearing Roy and as always Howard the master! Interested to see who´s covering the MB slot? then i normally switch off TRE till Peter C at 3

  21. Just to point out that I did not post the email under my name asking for my old job back.Mind you,I was pleased with some of the kind comments it evoked! TRE have enough to contend with without this errant presenter back on the grid!
    Do keep listening though,TRE is the only show in town and perhaps now it will assume its own identity…it was getting pretty close to becoming Radio Boland!
    Keep smiling,
    Barry Mitchell (genuine ex breakfast presenter!)

  22. At least we now will get a balanced non jewish commentary from The presenters-Sorry Maurice but you pushed your religion far too much!!!We are not all jewish.Remember your listeners come from all walks of life and all religions!!

  23. Boland makes statement in Sunday Independent “http://www.independent.ie/national-news/mr-marbella-admits-to-affair-with-16yearold-aspiring-singer-2353622.html”

  24. TRE is still like pirate radio was in the 1970’s. Have you even listened for an hour and noticed the gaps between commercials or the missing news headlines ? The bit I like is when someone is put live on air to the studio & says something like…. “I need to speak to the accounts department” :-) Do they run a station without a telephonist ? Come on Mr Nathan have a listen for yourself.

  25. There seems to be a lot of poisonous comments insinuating something illegal has happened. As far as I can read this is not the case. Words like “caught” and “pedophile” sic are extremely provocative and seem to be vitriolic attacks by the vindictive and badly informed of the facts. The girl is a young adult but still an adult all the same. While the relationship seems inappropriate to me and would raise eyebrows just about anywhere no laws have been broken and that’s why we have laws, to define acceptable behaviour. I’ve never heard of him or his radio show but what possible bearing has his ability as a radio host or his heritage got on this story?

  26. I have just looked at a picture of his wife Wendy, she is fab, how can he go with other girls having such a good looking wife, still that is life and it happens all the time.

  27. A todos los de este foro, las declaraciones de Boland en the independent day no son ciertas, en España la mayoría de edad es a los 18 años!!!!, no a los 16 como el refiere………..POR DIOS UN POCO DE SENSATEZ!!!!

  28. Las declaraciones del Sr. Boland en The Independent Day, tienen un error importante. En España se está catalogado como mayor de edad a los 18 años, solo para su información. Una oyente

  29. I agree with you alan !!!!……….. its about time that show had some decent talent on there…went back to the days when the radio station used to be enjoyable!!

  30. hummmmmmmmmmmmm what to say..shades of his past again??????? and as Isabel says… ” Spain is until 18 no 16. Is the law in Spain” !!!!!!!! but yes Mo did help Cudeca a lot….but in short his ego was too big…. big fish small pond…etc…. and a pain in the back side on Radio….. Bring by bumbling Barry Mitchel…. at least he was fun…. and with Russ Kane… even better….!!!

  31. I’m sure Maurice Boland has his good points but I am absolutely delighted to see him leave TRE. His interviewing technique was appalling and, apart from not allowing the interviewee to speak freely, he always seemed to be on the cadge. Well he is Jewish!! I felt particularly sorry for poor old James Hewitt a couple of weeks ago when he was cajoled into pledging his unstinted support for every cause that came into Maurice’s head at the time. I could envisage James heading an aid convoy to Pakistan loaded with the best of food and champagne from The Polo House! Pressure off now, dear James – Boland has inevitably gone a step too far.

  32. Mitchel and Kane would be great to listen to in the morning …i would definatly tune in to that…just some fun loving banter would get my day started by those two!!!!! x

  33. a career ruined,leaving in disgrace,a bitter pill to swallow for all concerned. stop sniping at hannah murray, she’s doing a great job. love her style and infectious laugh.you can tell she loves what she’s doing. welcome back roy. you’ve been sorely missed.I think both howard brereton and steve ritson are classy guys. as long as he behaves himself I would welcome the return of barry mitchell.

  34. Actually Jules,without feeling too sorry for myself Boland,and certain actions of his,directly contibuted to my going off the rails… which led to my ultimate demise.Infact there have been a few departures of presenters with real talent,some household names,who have “dissapeared” without explanation.I was there and I know the reasons, believe me, and right now I am considering revealing a few things the loyal listeners are unaware of.They would be quite shocked at the way the station was run at times. I read Martin Nathans statement today about Boland “developing” radio on the coast.Well,I might have something to say about that and a few other “grey” Boland areas. I bet a few others will too!
    Meantime, Keep smilin,
    Barry Mitchell

  35. I am sure I posted this once!
    Jules (Belmont)thanks for your comment and yes I did go off the rails.However,in mitigation,MB was a major factor and very shortly the truth will out.Furthe a lot of listeners have asked about the broadcasters that have dissapeared over time without explanation…Russ Kane,Rosko,David Hamilton,Tony Blackburn etc. Believe me theres a common denominator as to why and in one case a successful court action taken by the ex presenter as documentary evidence.There are other issues that will come to light shortly which will not reflect kindly on MB or the station/s.
    Keep your eye on The Olive Press

  36. The best favour we can all do the girl and her family, if morality dictates that we should take it upon ourselves to protect her interests, is to totally stop commenting on this matter and allow the story to fade away and give them the chance to get on with their lives!

  37. Barry & Russ were wonderful, ever since their duo ended to station has slowly ebbed away. I listened to REM from day 1 and then TRE, the station went from strength to strength, the pinnancle was Barry & Russ with Howard’s interjections. I gave up listening after the arrival of Matt & Jack, just not my cup of tea – could hear the same drivel on any of the other stations here on the Costa. Now Roy’s back will give it another try.

  38. Roy is excellent! but I think Hanah spoils his show, she should have joined MB on his departure! I just wish they could get the slots from 11 to 3pm correct! I normally switch off during these hours and switch back on for Peter C

  39. It’s highly unfair to level “pedophile” accusations at Maurice given the girl’s age being 16, which is of legal age in Spain. Not to defend his actions, clearly he had a severe lapse of judgment, and should be criticised for an obvious abuse of position.

    And leave Hannah Murray alone – if you don’t like her, listen to another station! I find her interview style one of the most enjoyable on the coast, and her show never bores. Keep it up, Hannah :)

  40. Why don’t people remember those that cast the first stone 3tc. and the mote in their own eye?
    When we first arrived on the Costa we had ONE hour a day of English radio! Now look what we have.
    All these people who have jumped on the bandwagon and are sending their vindictive comments on TRE should really count their blessings.
    Yes, mistakes have been made. But it is commone knowledge that men arrive at ‘the mid-life crisis’. No one is immune.
    Think of Clinton and Monica. It wasn’t that long ago. He didn’t give up his position. Neither should Maurice. The good he does far outweighs his recent actions. I have so enjoyed his wonderful interviews every morning. Apart from Howard, he was the only presenter worth listening to as far as I am concerned.
    While I’m here. Hannah is alright but please would somebody tell her not to keep saying ‘Oh my God’ quite so often!!
    My message to Maurice is, stop feeling that you have committed some ghastly crime. Get back on the wagon. Find a Radio Program that won’t be so parochial in it’s attitude. After all the entertainment business is rife with stories of affairs. He hasn’t done anything different from what is currently accepted behaviour these days.
    His wife will forgive him, his children won’t stop loving him and he can still do a lot of good working with his charities and the ‘Wow factor.’
    I think that the biggest mistake has been made by TRE –
    They will lose a lot of listeners by their narrow minded attitude.

  41. And whats with the “Crackpot hour” in the evening when anyone with a conspiracy theory is free to peddle whatever crazy stuff they feel free to come up with without so much as a question from the presenter? Last week it was little green men living amongst us in Wales and last night Dick Chaney and Rumsfeld flying cruise missiles into the World Trade centre…

    At least ask for some proof… Don’t just sit there…

    Some decent presenters, please….

  42. I for on will not miss that Boland charcter. Legend in his own mind just about sums him up.
    I miss Barry Mitchel and am delighted Roy is back. I’m struggling with the late night Scotsmans show not my taste at all but hey its supposed to be a free country. Hannah seems a nice enough girl so why not leave her alone.
    A block in John Dodd phoning in would be welcome otherwise TRE is a welcome service to us all and maybe now is the time for a bit of an overhaul (including the technology which is lacking) and get back to some kind of normality
    It seems to me TRE needs a leader to give the station a sense of direction, listeners don’t really want constant change.

  43. “Dick Chaney and Rumsfeld flying cruise missiles into the World Trade centre”

    That was the Pentagon, not the WTC. The truth about the WTC is going to be very damaging for the U.S., but it will take decades to be exposed as so many witnesses have been warned and threatened (and many have mysteriously died in recent times as well.) You don’t need to go to any conspiracy websites at all Dave, just go to the organisation run by some of the worlds best engineers, architects, and scientists for all the evidence – link above. When over 1300 of these people tell you there is a cover up, then we need to listen. Don’t listen to governments.

  44. Hi, nice to hear you are still about Barry M, all you say about MB is correct as I heard it. I also agree with some that if you were not the best DJ on REM then who was?

    Although MB and I had a few runs in’s I don’t want to kick hard now he is down- other then the following:

    The one thing I can’t stand now is his loss of memory re his statement; he used to say to potential advertisers “REM can put you in the room with a naked lady, but if anything happens it is down to you” Remember your own sales line MB?

    Also Property miss selling by a very large company in Marbella – did you not do their Boland TV show? allow them to advertise on REM even after questions were being asked and went to the big wedding of the owner? yet “you can stand con-men” Your comments when talking to the convicted sex offender J King.

  45. Oh Pauline!

    I guess you are not a parent. To compare this incident with Clinton and Monica, Monica was a sophisticated thirty something, not a gullible child with ambitions for fame.

    Anyone who is condoning Maurice’s ‘little error’ should ask themselves what they would do if it were their teenage daughter or granddaughter.

    Some things you can forgive but this is not one of those things. I am sure we can get over it and there is plenty of talent out there ready to step into his shoes.

    This man had an excellent career, a beautifuil family and fame and success. Enough for most people, he is a fool.


  47. A long overdue change of direction for TRE.
    I’ve been listening in for the last 10 years and it’s been the Daily Mail on the wireless.
    The only decent presentation has been Charlotte Rodriguez on wine every Tuesday lunchtime.
    It’s time for a complete overhaul.
    I await the changes with anticipation

  48. Nick, you clearly cannot read properly. As I said, one does not need to read any conspiracy theory websites; you just need the link that I gave you, which is an organisation of over 1300 architects, engineers and scientists who have independently analysed all of the evidence to date. Please, wise up and stop being ignorant. I didn’t say that nobody died; I didn’t say there were no planes at the WTC, did I? If you want to live in ignorance, that’s fine, but don’t thrust it upon me.

  49. Will the person who posted under BarryM kindly use their own name if they wish to say something.Had to chuckle though,anyone who would want to pretend they were me must have real problems!
    Many thanks to those who posted very kind comments,rather makes my days.Meantime I can tell you certain elements of the Irish Press are gunning for Boland……no doubt the Olive Press will keep you informed.
    Keep smilin,
    Barry Mitchell

  50. Hi Barry,

    Good to see your still around?

    Is there any chance you could return to TRE? There is a dearth of good presenters on there and, if I had the experience, I would even put myself forward…

    Can anything be done to get TRE to listen to its listeners?

    A lot of us want you back but this is clearly a chance to ask what we (the listeners) want.

    Crackpot corner in the evening aint my cup of tea but I can work around that. However, there are times when I’m looking for a good talk radio station down here and, quite often, TRE doesn’t deliver.


    P.S. Hi to Tricia in Marbella and thanks for your kind words on Saturday.

  51. Well Maurice I always thought you are a total idiot and probably the most irritating person in Marbella! and now you just proved it to everybody! I hope this is the end of you and we never have to listen to your irretating voice ever again! If I was you I would never show your face in public again! If I see you I won’t hold back my opinions! Your sorry….. you are disgusting!

  52. I always knew Maurice Boland was an old pervert! He would always give me the creeps. Yes, it isn´t illegal what he has done as i am guessing it was consensual (How that girl could go for him though ill never know) but it sure is wrong. He is the chief of slim!

  53. And why haven´t they printed the 16 year old´s name???? She is an adult now. If it isnt illegal for dirty old creeps to poke her then it can´t be illegal to print who she is. It can be her 1st lesson that trying to sleep your way to the top has its bad points!

  54. Its a couple of weeks since this came to light, where is Maurice now to make a statement and apology, nowhere to be seen or heard of, perhaps he has gone for good, with a bit of luck, dirty old man…

  55. Would appear that we can now move on from this, although I take exception to those who claim that we should look in the mirror if we made comments. I knew that MB was not above board but have never expanded on why. In life people often have many facets, family man, business man and friend. I only knew MB as the business man and he acted againts me in a way that said he was not a correct person, end of.

    Barry M, yr email barrymitchell22@yahoo.co.uk is not contactable, is there another one? Or get the Olive Press to pass on my own.

  56. I agree we should let this rest, however I think TRE needs a big shake up, why does Roy spoil his programme with Hanagh Murray and why is she still on the station. As for the 11 oclock stepthen guy what a snore!! at least MB could get good guests! Peter C and Howard B are fantastic the station need to clone them.

  57. Fergal,

    it is local radio and most presenters are not highly payed,in fact some used to offer their services for free.

    Hannah was never initially meant to be a main presenter,but when Mary left she was thrust into the hot seat.

    MB always made sure he was highly paid as he thought the station revolved around him.

    It will be interesting to see how things pan out without a designated “leader”.

  58. It would be interesting if Barry could shed some light on how things operate at TRE. I, personally, am sick of hearing about September 11th on Crackpot Corner in the evening. At least once a week they talk about it. Absolutely no imagination. Maybe the World service should kick in at 18:00 and just stay on until the morning.

    I have to say that i do like the guy that reads the papers in the morning show from 08:00 am. Brilliant. Can’t comment on the daytime presenters but the evening is all about September 11th, aliens and worlds colliding. All points of view accepted by the presenter without comment.

  59. maurice boland was forced out of his job at TRE. because it was alleged he had an affair with a single consenting adult. Whether this was the right or wrong decision is not the point . The point is does this rule apply to all the presenters at TRE. And adultery does that qualify for dismissal?

  60. Just got an email telling me that people are still talking about this… Is it still hot news down there. Back in Blighty now and thank god, I don’t listen to that station anymore, but…. if the guy that reads the news in that soothing voice in the morning moves to UK radio. Please let us all know where your going.

  61. hi to barry mitchell,
    thought i’d look you up on the old net and came across all this commotion!! o dear me :) looks like you are in fine spirits my friend and still have your followers. you often cross my thoughts and i hope all is well on the mitchell front. look me up as i’m sure i’m alot easier to find than you have proven to be. If it wasn’t for the antics of boland i would be none the nearer
    hay ho MERRY XMAS and here’s to old o.c.i times!

  62. Having worked for Maurice Boland many years ago in Dublin, I have always held the opinion that he was not a very nice person. I sorry to be proven right.

  63. To: Barry Mitchell
    For what’s it’s worth, I know we’ve not always got on, but I genuinely miss your show! Had something going on Talksport recently with Graham and Parry, totally reminded me of you and Kane, with that paranoia thing going on.
    Anyway, if you get a petition going or something, count me in, you were wasted on these coastal stations (er… I didn’t mean that literally but that’s also true!).
    Boland!!!! Sorry, no comment.

  64. I hope that is the case, since his departure the station has gone downhill especially from 10am the best presenters are Howard and Alan t, Ritsons and Hannah`s programmes are so ammateurish!!

  65. Have just stumbled across this thread,very interesting.Just to hi HI to any that remember me and to say I do miss being on air in sunny Spain.Cheers,Roy.

  66. having enjoyed howards breakfast one hour slot,we get really annoyed with the new two hour show which seems mostly to consist of repeat mindless music and padding .now we listen for first ten minutes then turn off.

  67. Oh how we all miss Roy the Boy Silverthorne. We never get any news buletins on how he is doing. TRE may have forgotten him, but he has many fans out here. Good luck Roy

  68. There is one thing I’d like to add and it pertains to some posters views on the age of the young girl.

    Now, legal or not, for me the issue is if a man over the age of 60 suddenly appears with a 16 year old as his partner.

    For me there is no legal issue here but a moral one. Sure, the girl may be legal but the age difference is phenomenal and… what could one possible talk about? Is Maurice now up to date with N-Dubz.

    Maurice may have been a good presenter but, when one thinks about it, his behaviour is shocking.

  69. Exactly as another poster said: “A legend in his own mind.” M. Boland. As we say in Ireland: “a right chancer”. Another definition would be a narcissist aka “Radio ME”. In love with himself.
    I agree with another poster who said M. Boland had the most irritating voice, irritating and condescending manner, a hopeless presenter. With some luck people will never have to listen to him again. ANY presenter will be better than MB.

  70. Maurice Boland is to launch new radio station later this month to rival failing TRE. . . this morning on his Facebook page he wrote:-
    IMPORTANT NOTICE: I will not be returning to Heart fm and would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Lee and Pat for the brilliant support they gave during my short but enjoyable stay with Heart and also a special thank you to David Baker on Breeze AM for taking my programs in Ireland. Meanwhile let me assure you that my absence on the airways will be only short lived. I’m delighted to announce that along with an exceptional team of top class broadcasters, I am developing a new radio project and look forward to making a full statement by early next week and be broadcasting (all going well) within weeks. The support that so many of you have given me over the past year can only be thanked by me doing what I love doing and that will be bringing you great radio programs with some of your favourite radio presenters. Thank you. Maurice

  71. TRE can only improve…Bolan was the most boring, self-opinionated ignorant and rude radio presenter/interviewer. I cannnot ever remember having to turn my radio off, but it was almost always my first reaction to Bolan despite being desperate to listen to a good interview in English.

    His ridiculous views on global climate change are a good example, yes Mr Bolan the world really is flat and 10,000 trained and qualified scientists who spend their lives studing the issue don’t have any idea what they are talking about. You have betrayed your family with completely unethiclal behaviour and you have betrayed your listeners with gutter press journalism.

    Bring back Jeremy, Stephen along with Howard so we can have a good laugh in the morning and good journalism.

  72. Hilarious! This `holier than thou´ attitude evident here knows no bounds. So many prepared to `cast the first stone´; most hidden behind anonymous usernames. In my experience you must be counting 80% of the working ex-pat community who have all come to Spain to reinvent themselves and chance their luck where they have failed elsewhere. Maurice Boland is not a criminal to my knowledge! Maurice has however raised € 100,000´s for charity, and without him the Cudeca Cancer Hospice would probably have closed. When you can say the same about yourself perhaps your opinion would have more gravitas! If you don´t like Maurice or his radio shows, then switch off and get a life!

  73. Precisely, Erik:

    “Boland was the most boring, self-opinionated ignorant and rude radio presenter/interviewer”.
    Add to that “a right chancer”.

    As for you Matthew, people are entitled to their opinion, so try to avoid that tired, adolescent shot “get a life”.
    As for anonymity, well, you are welcome to contact me if you wish. This website has my email address. And I would be quite prepared to say to Boland’s face exactly what I am saying here. It takes more than an individual in a lamé jacket to faze me!!


  74. Maurice Boland is like the Daily Mail and the Daily Express on the Radio. You choose to listen the same as you choose to read. Who knows we may get a radio station with balanced views on the Costa Del Sol one day. We live in hope

  75. I totally agree with Patricia, and hope that we are spared the return of Maurice Boland to our airwaves.
    In his time he always made a point of ridding the station of anyone he perceived to be better than him, and most were, consequently we lost excellent people from every station he was ever involved with.

    The mark of a good presenter/interviewer is that you cannot judge their political leanings (It is called impatiallity) Boland never managed this often becoming quite enraged when a subjects views were at odds with his own. He was conceited and self promotinbg to the extreme. Yes he did a lot of charity work, but oh! my didn’t he bang on about it ‘What a good boy I am’

    I haven’t missed him and would not welcome him back. He was frequently late for his programmes and completely unprofessional.

    TRE now has a pretty good team, I just wish they could improve their coverage as reception in the Lake Vinuella / Velez area is dire.

    PS I have got a life!

  76. Patricia, I believe you have just proven my point; this is obviously something that you are in fact very bothered about and it must keep you up at night. You have nothing better to do… i.e. “Get a life” is an originally American idiom and catch phrase usually intended as a taunt, to indicate that the person being so addressed is devoting an inordinate amount of time to trivial or hopeless matters!!

  77. WHATS all the fuss about … he had a relationship with a TEENAGER , thats not against the law , he has done ALOT for charities on the costa , give him a break , hes not the only man in the world to have done this , hes not the first and wont be the last , women with young men and men with young women , if its not law breaking then you all need to chill out, oh whats the other side off the story …im sure she new what she was doing .

  78. “Boland was gutted when Pat Kenny was selected to replace Byrne at the helm of the Late Late Show. “Pat Kenny is a brilliant journalist but the Late Late Show should be hosted by someone who entertains. I really wanted that show but I didn’t get it.”

    What gave this mediocre, narcissistic loser, MB, the idea that he would even be in the running for such a job? Talk about being delusional!

    “He dreams of flying to Ireland each weekend to host a show: “I really want to come back here. I’m really homesick. I really want to get into radio and television back here.”
    Dream on, MB. You wouldn’t last half an hour.

    Another facet which makes one wonder is that “magnificent house” he owns in Marbella, with the trappings. Now, how would a non-entity presenter on a two-bit radio station be able to finance such a palatial abode? Maybe his “charitable work” needs looking into. After all, charity begins at home ……LOL.


  79. think that everyone has had their say….! TRE & the forthcoming RADIO ME / MB… hummm are LOCAL radio stations and never will reach the superb standards of BBC Radio 4 etc however hard they try. Coastal station are akin to Hospital radio… and should be taken lightly and as such. Barry Mitchell for instance never took himself seriously yet he was informative and fun… he pressed the wrong buttons at the wrong moments…screwed up intro’s but made you smile at least.
    I suggest you all switch to BFBS on 99.5fm it’s great… no comercials…and it’s mostly either BBC Radio 4 / Radio Five…

  80. What’s your problem, Matthew? I must have touched a nerve for you to have to turn on the personal attack LOL. You are a bore and a pedant.

    Take care

  81. Thank you Jan. Of course we have all “got a life”, so pay no attention to the “American idiom” (idiot) taunts LMAO.
    This is a public forum so everyone is entitled to say their piece without being personally attacked.


  82. Let me get this right Patricia, you are fully prepared to not only throw personal insults at Maurice Boland, but also to make what could be quite serious allegations (without, no doubt, an ounce of evidence), yet you do not like it when anyone makes personal comments against you, all be it you still hide behind a username and are not prepared to disclose your full identity! Double standards I think. I wish Maurice Boland the best of luck.

  83. Mathew
    I have to wonder if you would feel the same about MB had it been your daughter, or granddaughter he had seduced with outrageous promises of worldwide fame. She was so young she believed him. He abused her, and her parents trust. Shameful.
    Defending him is indefensible!

    There are so many good broadcasters struggling for recognition, we don’t need 4th rate has beens or more correctly – never was!

  84. I fully agree, Jan. Anyone with any sense of decency would say the same as you have, instead of defending the indefensible.

    Nothing more to say on the matter.

  85. I have two daughters of 18 & 21; but I am perfectly capable of dealing with the facts of the matter, rather than wild accusations that are not based on any facts whatsoever. This story is old news now; Maurice Boland is setting up a new radio station and his supporters seem to far outweigh his detractors, and if TRE go out of business as a result, that´s their problem. I give him my full support!

  86. @ Patricia, on the charity remarks , harsh and slanderous dont you think ,.. patty dear, you need to get a job.. OH you CANT !@ MB enjoy your magnificent house, your life OH and your JOB .

  87. Stuart:

    You know nothing about me, who I am or what work I do, and fortunately I do not know you personally. Are you unable to write without being abusive and snide? Is this how you always respond to people who may hold a different opinion to yours? Why not attack someone else who has posted anti-MB on here?
    At no time did I reply to you or attack you here, so what is your problem?.


  88. Stumbled across this, so funny!! things still the same as when I lived on the Costa in the 80’sand 90’s. . .talentless gobshites rambling on about the usual shite. . .nobodies milling about the place. . .ho hum. . .

  89. @ rob p ..oh look another talentless gobshite with nother better to do has join in the comments to ramble on about the usual shit…. ho hum …you just the the same as the rest of us ..but like you said you lived their in the 80/90s so thats even sadder….so i take it you cant afford to ” mill ” about the costa any more …….ey robby .

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