18 Sep, 2010 @ 15:36
1 min read

Andalucia binning the plastic bag

ANDALUCIA is set to start charging tax for plastic carrier bags, beginning next year.

Shops will charge five cents per carrier bag from January, rising to ten cents by the end of the year.

Karl Smallman

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  1. Carrafour started an initiative months ago and you now have to pay for biodegradable bags if you need them.They gave away reusable bags earlier in the year free of charge,and warned of the withdrawl of normal carrier bags. The problem is education,every shop you go into gives you a bag to put even the most small item into ,when you say no they look at you as if you are puddled.
    Well done to any initative which slows down this menace,where the money goes is not the issue its stopping people using them and thowing them into land fill or the nearest ditch. I would like to know how many less carrier bags Carrafour has used since their self imposed system was introduced earlier in the year ,it must be many millions .
    Next on the list plastic water bottles a similar menace

  2. I am always asking the shopkeepers in our village not to put things like bunches of bananas in a plastic bag; they have their own organic wrapping and can go straight into my shopping trolley! They thought I was just a nutty foreigner at first, but are gradually cottoning on. I hope this initiative applies to village shops as well as supermarkets.

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