SPAIN’S most famous bullfighter has been seriously gored in Mexico.
Matador Jose Tomas is in intensive care after suffering a six-inch deep gouge in his thigh.
Renowned Tomas, 34, required an eight-litre blood transfusion after his ill-fated fight in the town of Aguascalientes.
“He needed a transfusion of eight litres of blood – the human body normally contains just five litres.”
Fears were so great regarding the torero’s severe loss of blood that an announcement was quickly made over the bullring’s tannoy asking for fellow A-blood type spectators to step forward.
“It is a very deep wound,” his manager, Salvador Boix, said. “He has been operated on for three and a half hours.
“He needed a transfusion of eight litres of blood – the human body normally contains just five litres.
“The hospital is well-equipped, but this was a very bad goring and Jose Tomas is in a serious condition.”
According to El Pais, the bullfighter’s injury was so serious that surgeons were forced to operate before having even anaesthetised Tomas.
The chilling video of the goring can be seen at
Dangerous things, bulls. Best to leave them alone.
Serves him right. How dare he think he can torture animals and continue living himself.
I have no sympathy whatsoever. I just wish the other torturers would take a lesson and leave the poor animals alone.
I would rather donate my blood to the bull! He deserves it more.