4 Feb, 2010 @ 12:51
5 mins read

The Wild West comes into its own

IT was in September 2003 that Alhaurin el Grande reached something of a nadir.

Already dubbed the Wild West by outsiders, its roads were studded with potholes, there were hardly any signposts and every other bar, it seemed, was run by a Brit.

Something of a hive for timeshare touts, petty criminals and ne’er-do-wells, for many it was no surprise when an English barman in the town was arrested and charged with the murder of two teenage girls.

The ramifications were far-reaching for the expatriate community and it started a vicious – and sometimes violent – backlash against anyone from the UK who lived in the town.

“They thought I was a witch,” says Rachel Goutorbe, from Posh Pets, who had only just set up her dog-grooming business in the town.

“Everyone got tarred with the same brush. And because I was on my own with half a dozen dogs I think they thought I was the devil. They certainly let me know about it.”

Something clearly needed to be done. And done quickly.

And thankfully within weeks the town hall had started a kind of zero tolerance campaign to clamp down on the illicit unregulated bars and clubs that had sprung up around the town.

It certainly had the desired effect and now, seven years on, the place has seen a complete turnaround.

The reputation it once had for being a party town, a hive for drugs and awash with illegal activity is a thing of the past. Everything in Alhaurin el Grande is, well, Grand again.

“It has come full circle since we moved here a decade ago,” says Louise Walker, from Deep Blue Pools. “The town had gone downmarket very fast, and has now come right up again.”

Owner of hotel Finca la Mota Daniel de Cock agrees. “In a very short time the town had become packed with too many British bars and residents. It was not natural. Too many of them used to get pissed and stumble around looking for trouble.

“Luckily that tattoo and souped-up car brigade has more or less gone and there are a lot less hooligans.”

The recent downturn has also led to a further clear out of Britons, with some estimating as many as half of the expatriates have now returned to the UK.

Steve Nelson, from funeral planning company SPN, believes it has not been a bad thing for the town.

“Mostly it was the idiots who got off the plane at Malaga claiming to be gas fitters or mechanics that have gone back,” he says. “And then there are the rip off merchants and chancers.

“You can finally go out again with your kids without fear of your two-year-old coming home effing and blinding.”

There is no doubt that Alhaurin has been through a dramatic transformation over recent years.

Wandering around the old town there is a new swagger about the place, despite the high unemployment that is effecting the whole of Andalucia.

The streets are impeccably tidy and the old buildings have been generally well preserved.

Heading uphill from the roundabout on Calle Gerald Brenan you are soon in the Albaicin barrio, which got its name due to similarities with the same district in Granada.

Nearby, leafy Plaza Alta is abuzz with childrens’ voices and roadside cafes ply their trade late into the evening, while further up the ancient Vera Cruz chapel sits alongside one of the best 180 degree views in inland Malaga.

From here you can see why Alhaurin has always been the nerve centre for the Guadalhorce Valley.

The views stretch for miles around, down towards Malaga airport and up into the Sierra de las Nieves mountains.

Sitting at 240 metres above sea level the town sits in a commanding position between the 1,100 metre tall Sierra de Mijas and the fertile valley below, where everything from olives to avocados have been grown for centuries.

Indeed it was in Phoenician times that Alhaurin became a market town, as the already established Iberian tribes bartered their goods with the new arrivals from the Lebanon.

Later the town thrived under Roman occupation when a number of wealthy merchants from nearby Malaga made money from the rich mineral deposits in the nearby hills.

They built sizeable villas, such as Villa de la Mata, and labelled the town Lauro Nova. Evidence has been found in the numbers of coins, statues and pillars, a trio of which stand pride of place opposite the town hall today.

But it wasn’t until Moorish times that the town really blossomed, as the Arabs planted new crops in the wide fertile valley that is crossed by two rivers, the Fahala and Blas Gonzales.

They introduced acequias (or water courses) to irrigate the entire valley and built a number of important mills, such as the Molino Morisco de los Corchos.

An area of particular beauty – not to mention an extremely clement climate – it had soon taken on an appropriate new name, that of ‘Garden of Allah’, or Alhaurin.

Remnants of the eight centuries of Arabic rule can still be found, particularly at the Arco del Cobertizo, which was a gateway to the medina, that had a souk, specialising, among other products, in silk.

But the best way to get a feel for the past is to take a walk out into the countryside, in particular in the area known as Hurique, on the back road to Coin.

Parking your car at the recently renovated hotel Finca la Mota, where you can get a great lunch, or just a cup of tea, you walk down into a lovely valley full of mixed agriculture.

Alongside charming white-walled ruins, sit small farmsteads of orange and lemon groves, orchards of plums and peaches and herds of goats and sheep roam around.

In the middle distance, seen from miles around, is the imposing 12th century Arabic fortress of Hurique, which is well preserved and mirrors a similar fortress, called Ortegicar, near Ronda.

Keep on going and you will eventually come to the even more beautiful open space of Barranco Blanco, where the famous Timoteo advert was once filmed underneath its waterfall.

One of the last towns to be conquered by the Catholic kings in 1485, it was eventually merged with Alora, Cartama and Coin in 1666 to form a single entity known as the Four Towns.

But it was anything but plain sailing for the united municipality and there were epidemics of plague and even an earthquake in 1680.

Later, Alhaurin was occupied for four years by the French during the Peninsular War in the early 19th century, which led to the inevitable destruction and upheaval.

Since then, apart from the turbulent period during the civil war, the biggest threat to civil peace has been an influx of English hooligans over the last decade. And then there was Scott Harrison, the former world champion boxer, from Glasgow, who made his home in the area a few years ago, but proceeded to live up to his hell-raiser reputation during a series of drunken nights out in the town.

After one particularly messy night out he ended up punching a policeman, after getting arrested for stealing a car in the early hours of the morning.

He is now languishing at his majesty pleasure, fittingly in nearby Alhaurin de la Torre prison, where he is expected to stay for at least two more years.

The town however, should perhaps best be remembered for its connections to Gerald Brenan, the celebrated writer of numerous books in southern Spain, such as South from Granada and The Spanish Labyrinth.

The writer lived in the town for two decades and described it as his “garden of Eden” (see story on page 17).

Finally, these days – and you read it here first – the town has a new celebrity living on its doorstep: with one Rick Parfitt, from Status Quo having recently bought a lovely country property near the town.

As he might say: Whatever you Want, Alhaurin has it all!

Check out http://issuu.com/theolivepress/docs/75w/1 for the full Alhaurin el Grande special

Jon Clarke (Publisher & Editor)

Jon Clarke is a Londoner who worked at the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday as an investigative journalist before moving to Spain in 2003 where he helped set up the Olive Press.

After studying Geography at Manchester University he fell in love with Spain during a two-year stint teaching English in Madrid.

On returning to London, he studied journalism and landed his first job at the weekly Informer newspaper in Teddington, covering hundreds of stories in areas including Hounslow, Richmond and Harrow.

This led on to work at the Sunday Telegraph, Sunday Mirror, Standard and even the Sun, before he landed his first full time job at the Daily Mail.

After a year on the Newsdesk he worked as a Showbiz correspondent covering mostly music, including the rise of the Spice Girls, the rivalry between Oasis and Blur and interviewed many famous musicians such as Joe Strummer and Ray Manzarak, as well as Peter Gabriel and Bjorn from Abba on his own private island.

After a year as the News Editor at the UK’s largest-selling magazine Now, he returned to work as an investigative journalist in Features at the Mail on Sunday.

As well as tracking down Jimi Hendrix’ sole living heir in Sweden, while there he also helped lead the initial investigation into Prince Andrew’s seedy links to Jeffrey Epstein during three trips to America.

He had dozens of exclusive stories, while his travel writing took him to Jamaica, Brazil and Belarus.

He is the author of three books; Costa Killer, Dining Secrets of Andalucia and My Search for Madeleine.

Contact jon@theolivepress.es


  1. good spot Fred… but a random blog mentioning that both Rick Parfitt might have bought a home in Alhaurin is hardly mainstream media… you can hardly say they scooped us.

    of course, it is no surprise to the OP that YOU read it somewhere first Fred… and the good news is that you made it to the end of the article which is some 1300 words long… so we must be doing something right!

    jon clarke

  2. Jon, there are no random blogs; there are just blogs. Also it did not say “might have bought”, it actually says that the blog authors were informed that Mr Parfitt was a neighbour, along with some other well known celebs.

    Also, I didn’t read the random blog, I used the almighty Google to find it :)

  3. Interesting article. We lived for a year and a half in Alhaurin el Grande and left just as Tony King had been convicted. We could not believe the difference in the town within that time, and could not blame the local people for saying enough is enough.
    I must say we have some lovely memories of the town, with its wonderful traditions and friendly Spanish residents. But as to the English people we met there, especially the English estate agent who sold us and others an illegal property and made our lives a misery as a next door neighbour, we will only have bad memories.
    The bubble must surely have burst for these estate agents who shipped in British people by the plane load, took their money,sold them properties which were illegal or they could not afford as they had no jobs and just wanted to sit in the sun all day drinking.The estate agents were the cowboys, I hope they also returned to the UK when their source of victims began to dry up.

    We will never get back the money we lost during our time in Spain, but we are happy to live a simple life in Gibraltar where the people are genuine and not intent on ripping you off.

  4. Karen,

    When you said: “especially the English estate agent who sold us and others an illegal property”

    We have to distinguish between the big players of the time, e.g. VIVA and Interealty, and the smaller independent estate agents. I think what a better way of describing what you meant to say was this:

    “the english estate agent who sold us, and others, properties that were declared legal by the Spanish authorities (i.e. with escrutiras, and other notarized documents etc) but then which were declared illegal at a later date by the Junta.”

    There is a BIG difference Karen, and it is not nice to tarnish all estate agents with the same brush.

    I remind you that in Spain, if a property is on the market then it should have all of its proper paperwork. Many owners have all the paperwork, they even attended lawyers, notaries and even got bank loans, and even paid taxes for decades in some cases, and STILL their house was declared illegal at a later date. This is the fault of Spain.

    How can any English estate agent be expected to know a house is “illegal” when all the paperwork says that it is properly registered?

    You also make the stupid comment “[they] took their money, sold them properties which were illegal or they could not afford as they had no jobs and just wanted to sit in the sun all day drinking.”

    So what you are saying is that these people were layabouts who had no intention of paying their loans, and indeed had no idea what they were doing at all, and yet they committed to the purchase. Whose fault is that Karen? yes, the layabouts! No one is forced to buy a property and take out a mortgage, are they?

    The VIVA’s and Interealty’s of the time certainly did truck in the buyers en masse, but at the end of the day individuals have to make purchasing decisions. Yes, some agents at the time did badger buyers and even harass them as well no doubt, but they should have been solvent buyers with employment and prospects before committing their families to the purchase.

    Btw, people in Gibralter are not any more or less corrupt than people anywhere else. Also, you can live a “simple life” anywhere in the World, not just in Gibralter.

    You have a very strange view of the world Karen, lol.

  5. @FRED: “How can any English estate agent be expected to know a house is “illegal” when all the paperwork says that it is properly registered?”
    You can now check out the local town hall’s town plan, which shows the various land catagories. If the land the property is on is classed as “Suelo no urbanizable protegido” then there is no way it will ever be registered.
    As an example go to http://www.alhaurinelgrande.es/ and then click on the AYUNTAMIENTO tab, PGOU and then select PLANEAMIENTO VIGENTE to see Alhaurín El Grande’s land classifications.

    As to Fred’s comment about the Estate Agent making sure they have all the correct paperwork, there are very few of those about. Due to the ‘Decreto 218’, the amount of paperwork and effort needed on the part of the agent has increased tremendously… which is a good thing as it deters the cowboys. We are due for our yearly inspection from the Junta (as we are one of only two Legally Registered Estate Agents in Alhaurín El Grande) and we will be pointing him in the direction of all the ‘outfits’ operating locally who think they can make a quick Euro at the expense of unwitting buyers.

  6. We have now lived in Alhaurin ten years and cant praise sufficiently the town and all the changes that have been made in that time .When we first came in 2000 the town was very shabby with broken pavements and poor drainage and an appearance of having been neglected or mismanaged for decades.The presence of the “english hordes ” we only noticed later.It was the character of the native Alhaurinos which persuaded us that this was where we wanted to live.
    Now, the town that is taking shape , slowly and occasionally maddeningly[ROADS],is becoming worthy of its beautiful setting and its marvelous people.Thank you,people of Alhaurin.

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