TORTURE by police officers, including threats with knives and guns, is still happening in Spain.
Amnesty International claims that other victims have been whipped on the soles of their feet.
In a new report, released this week, the human rights group highlighted what had happened in 11 cases that took place in 2007 alone.
Incredibly, only two of these cases have so far resulted in any conviction against the officers involved. Some six of them did not even go to trial.
In one case, while it was proved that torture took place, it was impossible to identify exactly which officer was the assailant and they were all acquitted.
Amnesty´s Spain expert, Rachel Taylor, said: “Unless the authorities demonstrate a will to make the necessary changes to ensure effective investigation, victims will continue to face obstacles on their way to justice.”
Amnesty stated that progress had been made in some police forces to prevent torture.
Measures included the installation of CCTV cameras in police stations and clear identification having to be worn at all times on police uniforms.
However, these changes have been made at a regional level rather than a national one and this is what needs to be addressed.
The report Spain: Adding insult to injury – police impunity two years on, was assessing what has been done since it highlighted the 11 cases in 2007.
When you have such a country like Spain increasing its ranking in the global corruption league table, it is not surprising to see torture still being used by the authorities. They go hand in hand, along with other similar, nefarious, activities. Spain is not a civilised country in so many respects, I find.
Yes, they should follow the lead of the British government and outsource it.