Maddie suspect spent long periods on the Costas
A DANGEROUS paedophile, who may be linked to the disapparance of three-year-old Maddie McCann, spent years drifting up and down the Algarve and southern Spain.
Raymond Hewlett, who has six children, mostly stayed at campsites on the Costa del Sol and Costa de la Luz, it is understood.
But it is his whereabouts and knowledge of the Praia da Luz complex in Portugal, where Maddie went missing on May 3, 2007, that has led to him being investigated over her disappearance.
Hewlett, who has a track record of sex offences against girls, has revealed that he knew the layout of the Ocean Club holiday complex well.
He also admitted that he had parked his van – a blue dodge – outside Maddie’s apartment ‘many times’ and was staying less than an hour from the resort on the day she disappeared.
Hewlett – who left Portugal for Spain, and then Morocco, “in a hurry” after the disappearance – has a striking likeness to a man seen walking away from the complex with a young girl under his arm on the night (see pix above).
He was spotted by Gerry and Kate McCann’s friend Jane Tanner leading to a photofit drawing being released to the press.
Now the McCanns’ investigation team wants to interview the 64-year-old in the hope he can shed some light on the disappearance.
“I have nothing to hide. I am willing to talk. I thought the Portuguese police closed this case long ago”
Hewlett, who is currently living in Germany, last night denied he was involved in the mystery. He said: “I have nothing to hide. I am willing to talk. I thought the Portuguese police closed this case long ago.”
It has emerged that Hewlett was based in Tavira, on the Spanish border, and then in Spain for much of last year.
A former soldier who lived with Hewlett on a campsite in Morocco from May to August 2007 told the Sunday Mirror he admitted parking a van close to the McCann’s complex on several occasions.
Peter Verran, 46, said: “He brought Madeleine up straight away. He went on and on about the McCanns. He said his three-year-old daughter looked like her.
“He was worried that because there had been reports that Madeleine may have been spirited away to Morocco, people might think his child was her.

“I asked him what he meant and he said he knew Praia Da Luz really well.
He knew the Ocean Club complex where the McCanns had been staying. He said he’d been there many times and had often parked his van close to the apartment.
“He said he knew the layout of the place, the flat and the restaurant where the McCanns and their friends had been eating when Maddie disappeared.
“He had a lot of detail. He said there was no way that the child could be taken without the parents seeing. He said they were lying.”
Hewlett had been apparently been ‘lying low’ at the campsite in Chefchaouen, in the Rif mountain.
According to Verran, in that time he only saw Hewlett leave the campsite once or twice. “He was never short of money though. I don’t know where he got his money from. He said he’d made cash from car boot sales.”
Hewlett told another couple that he was approached by some ‘Gypsy tourists’ in Portugal offering to buy his daughter just before Madeleine went missing.
They also recalled him mentioning a ‘business’ trip to Morocco, where there were several alleged sightings of Maddy after she went missing. UK-born Hewlett, a former soldier who previously lived in Blackpool, is being treated for throat cancer in hospital in Aachen.
He was jailed several times for sexually assaulting young girls and was once on Crimestoppers list of Most Wanted paedophiles.
Described by a judge as “extremely dangerous” he is now wanted for questioning by British detectives in connection with a separate indecent assault.
The McCanns hope that once officers from West Yorkshire Police have questioned Hewlett, who are currently in Germany their own investigators will speak to him.
Have you seen Hewlett or met him?
Call the Olive Press on 951 166 060 or email
“The McCanns hope that once officers from West Yorkshire Police have questioned Hewlett, who are currently in Germany their own investigators will speak to him.”
La policía de West Yorkshire no va interrograr a Hewlett por el caso Madeleine, sino por un “supuesto” caso ocurrido en Reino Unido en 1975, por lo tanto dudo mucho que esta información pueda ayudar a los dectives de los McCann.
Basta ya!!!
oh please,there was NO ABDUCTER,please please read the offocial pj dvd
Al final del artículo dicen:
Have you seen Hewlett or met him?
Call the Olive Press on 951 166 060 or email
¿Qué buscan? ¿Seguir haciendo leña del árbol caído? ¿Más noticias sensacionalistas que no ayudan en nada a encontrar la verdad sobre lo sucedido a Madeleine?
Rymond Hewlett is a dangerous man wit a string of convictions and he is wanted for questioning of several others. Even if he was not involved in Madeleine’s disappearance, he is dangerous and needs to be brought to justice for the crimes he has commited on young girls.
Extradite him now!
He “is” a dangerous man or he “was” a dangerous man? West Yorkshire police have said they want to question him about a couple of cases since 1975, but we know they did this in 1999. No only that, they also have his DNA since then so, what are we talking about now?
God you journalists reallyy do need to do your homework.
Visit the Joana Morais site, The 3 arguidos, The Madeleine foundation, NHS Mccanns-abuse of power for the rewal news
Sharon, why dont you do your homework? Why is it so important to you to judge these parents as guilty when you have absolutely no idea what they are going through. You seem totally void of any compassion for the plight of this family. Why dont you just pray that this little girl will be returned to her family in spite of what your judgement against them may be. We can choose websites to visit to shore up our opinions and make us feel right, but at the end of the day a child who loved and was loved is missing. God spare us all that agonising torture, and bring hope and relief to all who are in that position. Please dont judge when you dont know….
This man has been on the run over 30 years. He was a suspect in the Lesley Molseed murder case (his car was found at the scene of the crime). Two other guys have been in jail for that crime. Hewlett is still on the run. DNA went missing etc. etc. This man is vile. He tried to lure me into the same car. I hope he suffers for the rest of his born days and I hope he rots in eternal hell in the afterlife too.
P Jordan: “You seem totally void of any compassion for the plight of this family”
And you seem totally void of any compassión for Madeleine Beth McCann the child that disappered while she was alone. She is/has surley suffered much more than her family and I want A FULL INVESTIGATION about what happened. What do you want?
PJ: “This man has been on the run over 30 years.” – DNA went missing etc. etc. – He tried to lure me into the same car.
He was interviewed in 1999 by West Yorkshire police. – Are you trying to say that the police lost his DNA and that is why he has been on the run, since when? 1975? 1999? 2000? – Be carefull about this type of accusations, if true you should have gone to the police. The comment seccion of a newspaper isn’t the right place.
“He was spotted by Gerry and Kate McCann’s friend Jane Tanner leading to a photofit drawing being released to the press.”
This is a blatant shameful LIE!!!
Tanner described the man she supposedly saw carrying a small child on the 3rd May night, that has became know as “Bundleman” sketch, the one that shows a man seen from the side/back, NO face, only dark hair, and the light coulored trousers and brown jacket(which by the way was not as it was shown in the McCann documentary…)!
The sketch you show above is from the description of a witness called Gail Cooper, and became know as “Cooperman”, and as anyone with an ounce of witt can see he’s nothing like Hewlett was in 2007! Hewlett was around 60 by then, had white/blondish thinning hair, fair skin, etc., etc., etc.!
The least you can do is give your news with a minimum of accuracy, do your job properly, check your facts and sources, where is your professional pride?!
What a stupid question. Every man and his dog know where this guy is. He is in a hospital in Germany. He is willing to take a lie detector test, I wonder, are the McCanns will to do the same?
These PI’s are no different to the M3 Detectives, they work for and are paid by the McCanns. I would have thought the first thing they should have done is to prove that an abduction actually took place, as the files certainly do not point in that direction.
Of course, this does not fit the McCanns agenday
I did go to the police when I was older, and professional psychologists will tell you a child of 9 nines year old should not carry guilt as they mature… if they didn’t report to the police at the time…as they were too young to realise the consequences at that age… apparently.