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rodríguez - Page 9

Saved at last?

Spanish farmhouse that inspired poet Lorca's Blood Wedding may now have been saved from collapse
27 May, 2010 @ 11:43

Mr Bean leads the EU

Thanks to a hacker, comic character welcomes world to new Spanish presidency of the European Union
6 Jan, 2010 @ 11:28

Battle Over Blood Wedding

As debate rages about the exhumation of Federico Garcia Lorca’s body will the chapel that inspired his most famous work be allowed to sink into
27 Sep, 2009 @ 19:14
john christine bull

Double Standards

While the nearby Priors home was knocked down, the Olive Press can reveal that this enormous 420m villa - owned by local politicians - was
1 May, 2009 @ 19:23

The costas he was not

At a memorial service to his life, dozens of environmentalists paid tribute – and even donated a poem to the man known as ‘Mister Boyd’
2 Apr, 2009 @ 14:33

The judge who roared

He has gone after South American dictators and Middle Eastern terrorists, but now it seems Baltasar Garzon has finally met his match in tackling Spain's
5 Dec, 2008 @ 12:53

God in urban row

Family claims mayor ‘stole land to build illegal’ chapel A VICIOUS row has broken out over the “illegal” construction of a mountain chapel in La
23 Oct, 2008 @ 19:13

Wrong type of rain

Reservoir levels have actually dropped, as recent downpours have been too few and heavy WHILE the recent rainfall has been well received across the region
17 Oct, 2008 @ 17:05
Let battle commence

Let battle commence

In announcing a new abortion law and hinting that its citizens could be given the right to assisted suicide, the socialist government is set for
30 Sep, 2008 @ 08:41

Sent to their death

As 29 immigrants die, Mafias “knew” ill-equipped boats would never reach Spain
30 Jul, 2008 @ 17:50
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