WOODEN houses are gearing up to set the Spanish housing market on fire.
Building your house from wood saves up to 90% in energy and constructions are cheap, quick to build and durable.
Spain’s largest wooden house is 650m2 and yet the monthly bill (electricity, hot water, heating) comes to just €140.
The property in suburban Madrid, Torrelodones, cost €800 per square metre to build and consumes very little energy.
Spain now has an estimated 20,000 wooden houses which cost on average €1,100 per square metre to build.
Certainly a better way of building
Timber is good, but be aware of the termite problems in Spain. Treatment to eradicate them is very expensive and has to be repeated every 5-6 years. Country houses can be affected quite badly having seen it first-hand.
Timber houses built in wildfire areas – I wonder , would Spanish insurance companies pay out – vamos a ver.
Having seen how quickly our daughter’s wooden play house was reduced to scrap br the sun, I would have to say no thanks. Certainly here in the south at least. Made good kindling for the fire though.
Bonfire night Dan!!
In the UK timber framed houses are quite common as they built in no time but now the mortgage companies are less inclined to lend on them because they twist and crack in extreme weather.