17 Sep, 2014 @ 14:03
1 min read

Animal rescue crisis

THERE is no easy answer to the questions being raised about Kim’s Animal Rescue Centre.

And the Olive Press does not take lightly to reporting on it.

On one side are the people who claim to have witnessed mistreatment yet are not willing to stand up publicly, for whatever reason.

On the other, are the passionate friends and supporters of Kim Halliwell and her work, who would give everything to defend her reputation.

But the important thing here is not the so-called ‘hate campaign’ or allegations of cruelty, it is the 200-odd animals.

In the words of one respected local vet the centre has simply ‘gotten out of the control’. It is clearly too much for one, undoubtedly passionate, woman to cope with.

Whether it is more funding, an overhaul or re-homing, the animals involved need to be the priority, not the people.

The Olive Press is giving its full support to whatever is now deemed best for the animals.

Tom Powell

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  1. I rescued 2 dogs from Kim, both arrived underweight and had travelled for 7 days in a cramped transit van with 18 other dogs and a few cats. All animals were dipped with an illegal cattle dip the morning they set off too! This is no vindictive anonymous hate campaign but a campaign born of disgust at the conditions she is prepared to allow animals to live in. Ask what happened to her “favourite” dog Ringo? She has been offered help before and refused because too many questions were being asked. This place needs to be closed down immediately.

  2. I do not doubt that Kim started with good intentions and that in her own way she loves the animals but I would agree that it is time for Kim to close, there is so much distrust from people who have tried to help, felt that their efforts have been dismissed, donations that seem to never materialise in reductions of vets fee’s, improvements to the buildings or even increases in basic animal needs like food. A car was donated but there is no trace as to what happened to it, fund raisers for specific jobs to be done that were then never done, volunteers that were left without food so that they were living off donations from others, but they stayed because they loved the dogs. I have huge respect for what Kim started all those years ago but I think she has lost her way and will not allow access to the truth, as a charity surely she is accountable and should keep financial records that should be available if they are asked for to see where donations are going, maybe it is time people asked the questions.

  3. I have to say l have been to Kim’s Animal Rescue. She works so hard to take care of the place often with very little help. She does love the animals and she does her very best to keep it all together but maybe it has just become too much for her. I think she finds it hard to refuse an animal even when she’s full. I think, instead of people criticizing Kim why don’t they volunteer to help her. It’s help she needs, not criticism!

  4. Kim has been offered help and refused it, she lets people see exactly what she wants them to see. As the reporter says she couldn’t not see the rooms or the bottom land. Obviously she has to show people that she is caring and hard working. If you speak to volunteers that have worked there you will get a completely different story. If you read the article properly, she even says it herself “if the place was dirty then it was down to them” Why would it be down to them?? If she’s working 17 hours as she so often claims then why would it only be down to the volunteers? This is not ANTI KIM its PRO ANIMAL. Even when huge sums of money was being donated (only last year) these animals were left hungry, thirsty and unhealthy… No public person will see the amounts donated, she does not need to give details with her not being a charity, and this she is very aware of.

  5. I have visited Kim’s centre every month for years, and the animals have always been happy and well cared for, mainly by Kim and her daughter Kelly. These nameless cowardly volunteers who are making allegations, out of spite, do not care about the animals like Kim does, or else they would not put their future in jeopardy. When Kim rehomed three of my cats, she met me with them, at the vets, after they had all the paperwork and injections in order, before rehoming them. Kim and Kelly devote their lives to these animals and should be praised, not pilloried. Yes, she does need help, nobody can do it all, so please put unfounded lies aside and do all you can to help her. Today, when I was there, Kelly returned with a puppy that she had just taken to the vets, so do not believe all you read, words are cheap. P.S. Kim is a registered charity.

  6. When will something be done to shut the appalling place that is called a RESCUE CENTRE down. How many more stories about this obsessed passionate animal lover be reported on. Even the Olive Press reporter who went up to Halliwells couldn’t bear the conditions. Until this situation changes we will still have the money grabbing woman who thinks nothing about even cruising round in her vehicle and stealing other peoples much loved pet because it is cute and will earn her x amount of money. She doesn’t have the animals welfare in her mind only cash signs.When is she actually there at the centre ? She can’t be in two places at once and her daughter is left to run things (term loosely) while she is on one of her trips to the UK. Cleaners – no I don’t think so. Volunteers – yes definately but once they know what goes on they all leave very quickly. They are not to be chastised, they simply have no stomach to watch the day by day appalling conditions that the defenceless animals have to endure !! Its all very simple really. Dogs are collected and then sold on, vet treatment non existent,passports and microchips changed and the list goes on. Where is all the money going to ???? There have been numerous appeals for dog food and water in the past and people who have had previous dealings with her now no longer give her cash, they take food and water up there. Solely for the animals to ease their plight in a very small way. Halliwell is not going to go quietly as she will lose an income she has been used to having now for many years. Time will tell !!!

  7. So many times you hear of animal rescue centers being over full, most with fantastic volunteers working.

    Funding, however it is acquired, for a free mobile service to go around NEUTERING animals, would surely be a good thing.

    I’d also vote for euthanisation rather than living in squalor and disease. I’d call this saving an animal.

  8. It’s sad that it’s come to this but Halliwell has played to long at her “dog rescue ” too many animals have suffered and to many mistakes with the blood tests , microchips , ect .

    Let’s call them mistakes whilst The Olive Press investigates …….

    Shouldn’t your “accountant ” have made some announcement yet ?

    No longer will people stand by whilst you profit from misery

  9. My friend got her dogs back from this person, (transported back to the U.K.) They were filthy , thin and sick . Vets bills amounted to over £300 to nurse them back to health .
    This woman charges maximum price for an appalling lack of care . GOD HELP HER STRAYS IF THIS IS HOW SHE TREATS HER TRANSPORTATION ANIMALS .

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