10 Dec, 2013 @ 10:46
1 min read

Spain deemed more corrupt than last year

corruption e

SPAIN has slipped six places in the corruption perception index following a series of scandals.

Only Syria lost more points in the survey, which was carried out annually by Transparency International.

Denmark and New Zealand topped the list of 177 counties, while the UK moved up three places from 17 to 14.

Somalia, North Korea and Afghanistan remained tied in last place.

Gambia, Mali, Guinea-Bissau and Libya were also heavily marked down.

Corruption in Spain was highlighted this year when the former treasurer of Spain’s People’s Party told a judge he had channelled cash donations from construction firms into politicians’ pockets, and he was found to have almost €50 million in a Swiss bank account.

The king’s son-in-law was also charged this year with embezzling millions in public funds.

The survey, which was first conducted in 1995, draws on a variety of sources, including World Bank and World Economic Forum assessments, the African Development Bank’s governance ratings, and Transparency International’s own Bribe Payers Survey.

Claire Wilson

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  1. Is the OlivePress a one man show? I like coming here to hear highlights affecting spain, but come on. This article is so sloppy and lacking its next to useless. I can get more details from the expat who sits in the local venta all day…
    Lets add “according to http://www.transparency.org/
    Also add “[spain] ranks 40th”

    And just for kicks, why not add some useful links
    or even Spains OCU http://www.ocu.org
    like Which Mag in the UK, or the English Ombudsman, has grown into a force to be reckons with – fighting the good fight for all.

  2. There’s only two Ls in ‘personally’ Fred, you appear to be talking Welsh for some reason?!

    YOU are the person you always mention has problems in Spain. Funny old man!

  3. Hi Mr. Stevens,

    You should know by now it’s a waste of time replying to certain people. if they don’t like Spain they should leave to the land of plenty, or is it the land of plenty.

    I often wonder why they are still living here, nothing but moaner’s.

  4. Hi Mr Stevens,

    I hear nothing from these moaners of Spain regarding the massive bank frauds that the UK is experiencing. RBS already fined $100 million in the states and more to come. 600.000 Brits in the UK to be compensated so far but only hear of moans regarding Spain. Spain fiddling, nothing compared to the UK.

  5. @caccia: And why exactly do you come and comment here? It seems just to pick a fight with other commenters!
    Pointing out the problems in other countries is no excuse to serious problems in your own country. Especially when you reveal such ignorance.
    The very fact that banks have been fined tells us that the system is working: corrupt or illegal or even amoral behaviour gets punished, the country is made a better place for all. Your example backfires spectacularly as it proves the point – in Spain the corrupt steal money *and nothing happens*
    A high profile example is the oil tanker that ruined the north coast. A debacle from start to finish. What did the (expensive) investigation report? No one was at fault. No one is responcible. Nothing will change.

    This is why we [the people making the world a better place for all] gripe.

  6. Hey, BigJon,

    Quite a statement you have made. We know the ill’s of Spain and surprised you still live here. I would have thought you would have been more constructive returning to you own country and fighting the wrongs and rights of people there instead of living in a country that you have chosen.

    Your quote:-

    This is why we [the people making the world a better place for all] gripe.

    It’s not a grip BigJon, it’s a moan that has no repercussion and fortunately although you live in a country that has perhaps a poor democracy, a few years ago you would not have spoken with such freedom as Mr Franco would sorted your kind out. So please be content in living in a country that gives you the happy life you perhaps lead and if not, as the old saying goes, “Get on your bike”. I suppose Mr. Boris is right. Hehehe

  7. So we know the self-confessed Troll Caccia also posts under the name Franco, and now under the initial ‘c’, how many more names have you got? BTW ‘c’ you don’t spell ‘gripe’ as ‘grip’ lol, lol,

  8. BigJon,
    I was living in Galicia at the time of this fiasco and actually met some of those engaged in the clean-up. It was a licence to print money for the old Fascists who still run Galicia.

    Had those in charge of coastal protection let the tanker be tugged into one of the rias the problem would have been contained. How do I know this because my next door neighbour was responsible for that part of Galicia’s coast.

    He was overruled by the Junta who stood to profit from milking the money provided for the clean-up – same old, same old.

  9. @caccia: i’m glad you participate here. You are the perfect example of everything bad about spain.
    Whenever someone tries to improve the country, your responce is “on your bike” – if they’re foreign. I suppose if they’re native, you’ll just have them taken away in the night. Oh right, thats not allowed anymore.

    Do you really not see it?
    Democracy has to be fought for, defended, and supported. Otherwise the amoral, evil, disgusting slim that unfortunately still makes up a percentage of human kind will gain power, corrupt the young, and impose fear and terror over all.

    This is my home. And your days of corruption and fascisum are numbered. Consider yourself on notice!

    Oh, just so you know. You can fly to Francos Paradise from Ciudad Real.

  10. Is that the same Stuart Crawford that say’s a foreigner cannot own property in Mexico. If so you could you direct me to a site that states otherwise. By the way Stu I did direct you to a site that says they can.

  11. Ja,ja ingleses.

    1492: expulsión de los judíos.
    1609: expulsión de los moriscos.
    2014: expulsión de los ingleses.

    Sois invitados en nuestros país, no lo olvidéis.

  12. No locolus, we are EU citizens in the EU, we have every right to be here and certainly don’t need an invitation, especially not from cocky little twats like you.

    Considering in nearly 30 years Spain has never been a net contributor to the EU budget and considering the UK has been and continues to be one of the major net contributors to the EU budget it would be a good idea for you to remind yourself just how many billions of our tax money has been GIVEN to your country in the name of solidarity.

  13. locolus,

    In the early years you quoted, 1492 and 1609 Spain was not a democratic country. Democracy came to Spain around the year 1970.

    As for the 2014: expulsion de los ingleses impossible. They would need the okay from Germany but believe Germany would rather kick out Spain from the EU than England….Hehehe

  14. What are you on about you strange little man! Honestly I’ve never come across such a weasely attacking persistent individual.

    I’m up for listening to anything constructive on this website. Bring it on in 2014! We’ll try and offer any solutions to sort Spain’s problems out ha ha.

  15. Well i certainly didnt plan on offending anyone. And i dont care about offending ignoramuses or facsists.
    But some of the ignorant dumbas# comments i see floating about… i never know if they are serious or just a windup.

    “fight for democracy against the once British Empire”
    What form of governance was the empire introducing?
    what happened to 90% of the countries/nations that wanted independence? They got it *peacefully* !!!

    Ignorance is the cause of all evil

  16. BigJon,

    I think you should look up history before you make any stupid comments on the British Empire. How about starting of with Africa. One would need to write a book about this subject or better still you could look up the British Empire.

    Don’t know where you got the impression of fascism just because the name of Mr. Franco was named. It was just an expression of what your fate would have been fighting for democracy. Have you ever fought for freedom and democracy, I have.

  17. So, Hon Rev Ad Hom Stevens caca yaya teacher can’t read where do I live, you are going off track a bit here, you are still living in a Country where corruption is getting worse and turning more facist by the day. This must be very bad for the ultra left wing Hon Rev Ad Hom Stevens caca yaya teacher can’t read where do I live. How can Hon Rev Ad Hom Stevens caca yaya teacher can’t read where do I live, be happy in a Country that goes against everything he stands for. Spain must have some motivated people there or they would not have all these sports stars, so the corrupt way of the Country is holding the masses back, that is the way I see it but of course Hon Rev Ad Hom Stevens caca yaya teacher can’t read where do I live, does not know anyone so it does not matter. The half of the message that I have typed with your name is the half that is more interesting than your comments. Have a good weekend.

  18. Don’t lump me in with anybody else thanks Reap. I can speak for myself.
    btw I was never a teacher!?! confused.com..

    What a load of nonsense you’ve just written.

    If Spain is turning more right wing maybe you’d like to return?!

  19. @caccia: It would appear [i]you[/i] need to learn some history. American TV is not a valid source, especially as they continually rewrite history. The Empire certainly had it faults, but in comparison it was the best.
    People are so quick to ignore the decades of willing participants, and the overall benefit to mankind. Example: who fought to end slavery in Africa? (go look it up!)

    And where exactly did you *fight* for democracy?

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