22 Nov, 2013 @ 11:19
1 min read

Andalucian government prepares for earthquakes

lorca earthquake caused by human activity

THE Andalucian government is making emergency earthquake plans as the risk of incidents has increased.

It has formed a committee which includes emergency and security services to initiate evacuation and recovery procedures, after the National Seismic Institution increased the risk level in Malaga and a large area of Antequera.

The risk is not thought to be imminent, but nobody will say why the risk level has been increased.

The last significant earthquake in the region was recorded in 1884.

Ruiz Espejo, an expert, said on average there should be an incident of magnitude between every 87 and 117 years.

Claire Wilson

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  1. There have been 46 earthquakes in the peninsular in the past 30 days, see the website “http://www.volcanodiscovery.com/earthquakes/spain-portugal.html” so unless they are expecting a big one this is most strange.

  2. At last there is some recognition of the real situation, if all the earthquakes and the resulting tsunamis hav’nt convinced everyone that we are living in a tectonic plate movement era then nothing will.

    Everyone in Andalucia is living on a tectonic plate fault line it runs from the Languedoc to Agadir on Morocco’s Atlantic coast – be prepared.

  3. Try this Android app “Earthquake alert!” You can set it to your local area and it will let you know when we are having an earthquake rather than someone making the earth move for you. Nothing in the last 7 days (earthquakes that is).

  4. Well there has just been an earthquake at 11pm on 27 November, we felt it in San Martin del Tesorillo and friends felt it in La Linea. Maybe the Spanish government had prior warning that a weakish earthquake was immenent, but didn’t want to scare anyone?! Is fracking responsible as some people assert or is it due to global warming?

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