SPAIN has rejected breathalysers for cars on the basis that ‘the only safe way to drive is with zero alcohol in your system’.
‘Alcolocks’, which have just been made obligatory for all new cars in France, stop vehicles functioning if drivers breathing into them have had too much to drink.
But traffic bosses have said the decision whether to drive should not be about how much alcohol you have drunk – but more about whether you have drunk at all.
This despite the fact that motorists are legally authorised to take the wheel in Spain as long as they don’t have over 0.05 per cent alcohol in their blood (0.03 per cent for new drivers).
‘Breathalysers for cars’ … it’s the drivers they should be worrying about. Don’t blame the cars, it’s not their fault.
true anna, its like installing a breathalyser on a gun to measure your good intentions before it locks & loads …….